You are a timeless being of integrated ego and spirit. You are a powerful creative force.
Mystic Paneurysms, Pan-fried Divinations, and Momtastic Pansophy

Sunday, April 28, 2013
"It's Like Going to Church"
You are a timeless being of integrated ego and spirit. You are a powerful creative force.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Blithe and Bonny Spring
Perseverance is the order of the day.
Life is distracting enough without being visited by dead people at the drop of a hat. I've learned that I cannot be subjected to the whims of the angels, anymore than those of you mortals. With all of the craziness going down on planet earth, they've had to be a lot less choosy about who passes the spirit guide exams. 'They need back up down there, and PRONTO!' From what I can surmise, they might have some pretty sketchy accreditation programs. That's not to say everyone of your guides is a rookie, but there's a distinct possibility that one of your invisible peeps is an intern and working toward his or her title.
Bottom line, whispers may be suggestions, not heart-stopping, life-altering warnings or commands. Your newbie guardian may loooovvve yardsaling. You may find yourself wondering why in the hell you bought a hutch to display your best porcelain in a nook, when you clearly have no nook, and no fine China. Nor do you have an interest in displaying the chipped remains of your grandfather's collection of WWII-era German beer mugs, his gift to you, the bulk of which your stepmother clandestinely consigned, when he was on his death bed, in an effort to expedite the clearing of his trailer. You'd waited twelve years to touch his precious war momentos placed on the highest shelf, perpetually out of your reach. Glistening, colorful, more ostentatious than the polka-music playing beerhalls from whence they came.
I've no timecard, so I'm punching into my blog this evening, like Foghorn Leghorn clocking into his farmyard job. Cape Cod is a mystical land of synchronicity. It has become a proverbial Family Reunion with souls with whom I've broken bread for centuries across our many lives, and as such, it can be disarming, loads of laughs, and more work than you'd expect. We're, like, resolving karma from ten different lives right now. I'm sorry I stole your chickens. We should have never started that coven. The ax I put through your head, it was meant for the parlor maid. I still love you despite your having abandoned me in the forest with the king's men on horseback with all those drawn bows. You're my spirit sister, always. We're totally good. Let's get a beer, shall we?
I have decided to personalize my book. I am quite eager to do so! Wish me luck, if you cared enough to read this.
Limitless Blessings an Springtidings to you.
Life is distracting enough without being visited by dead people at the drop of a hat. I've learned that I cannot be subjected to the whims of the angels, anymore than those of you mortals. With all of the craziness going down on planet earth, they've had to be a lot less choosy about who passes the spirit guide exams. 'They need back up down there, and PRONTO!' From what I can surmise, they might have some pretty sketchy accreditation programs. That's not to say everyone of your guides is a rookie, but there's a distinct possibility that one of your invisible peeps is an intern and working toward his or her title.
Bottom line, whispers may be suggestions, not heart-stopping, life-altering warnings or commands. Your newbie guardian may loooovvve yardsaling. You may find yourself wondering why in the hell you bought a hutch to display your best porcelain in a nook, when you clearly have no nook, and no fine China. Nor do you have an interest in displaying the chipped remains of your grandfather's collection of WWII-era German beer mugs, his gift to you, the bulk of which your stepmother clandestinely consigned, when he was on his death bed, in an effort to expedite the clearing of his trailer. You'd waited twelve years to touch his precious war momentos placed on the highest shelf, perpetually out of your reach. Glistening, colorful, more ostentatious than the polka-music playing beerhalls from whence they came.
I've no timecard, so I'm punching into my blog this evening, like Foghorn Leghorn clocking into his farmyard job. Cape Cod is a mystical land of synchronicity. It has become a proverbial Family Reunion with souls with whom I've broken bread for centuries across our many lives, and as such, it can be disarming, loads of laughs, and more work than you'd expect. We're, like, resolving karma from ten different lives right now. I'm sorry I stole your chickens. We should have never started that coven. The ax I put through your head, it was meant for the parlor maid. I still love you despite your having abandoned me in the forest with the king's men on horseback with all those drawn bows. You're my spirit sister, always. We're totally good. Let's get a beer, shall we?
I have decided to personalize my book. I am quite eager to do so! Wish me luck, if you cared enough to read this.
Limitless Blessings an Springtidings to you.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Healing Wisdom Goes to Hawaii May 16th

Been having so much fun with my guests on my radio show Healing Wisdom, podcast at
We prerecorded an interview today with sound healer and musician John Dumas. Kauai is contagious. The energy is incredibly powerful medicine. Missing it, and hope to return again soon.
My husband figured out what my book on the sacred feminine is missing! Eureka! I'll be a busy bee this weekend. Yesterday I had a great interview with Lee Roscoe of the Barnstable Patriot. Tomorrow, I speak with a newspaper reporter from Wicked Local. We're getting great coverage for Sacred Shapes: The Geometry of Women. We deserve it! The birth and rebirth stories need to be told! It's such a powerful synergy of wise women that are creating a marvelous synergy for this series of events.
John's music is such an incredible reboot for me…I can feel like total collateral damage, like complete disaster capitalism waiting to happen, and then I listen to his music and feel empowered to be present, to be activated, to see all the good that is…to feel at the very core of my being, all of the love emanating and radiating on the planet. It seems we must return to our roots as spiritual beings, to come into a state of balance, to be useful and move forward in our creations.

Sunday, April 21, 2013
Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
* Show your gratitude...give thanks to the earth for the food she provides.
* Give an offering...Sing a song in appreciation or give her a gift. Today is a great day to burn brush and return the ashes to the earth. Or get some worm castings for her soil.
* Start a compost.
* Plant or prepare to plant your own organic non-GMO vegetable garden. The bees are dying off from pesticides. Plant only organic decorative flowers, and many of your decorative flowers will be edible.
* Hug a tree.
* Take a nap outside.
* Climb a tree with friends.
* Ride your bike or walk today.
* Keep the lights off until nightfall.
* Take a hike or go to the beach and bring a bag to pick up trash as you find it.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Poetry, Art and Jane Austen in GLBT-Friendly SF
In light of recent personal and collective events of a catastrophic and/or mind-boggling nature, including three paranormal hauntings, it seemed high time to in the words of an old friend to 'get jiggy with it' and reply to a resplendent advertisement seeking a partial owner of a sex toy store in Ptown. Nothing like the hauntings of three suiciders in twenty-four hours to put a spring in your step. Tiny Tim, they'll be plenty of edible underwear in everyone's stockings this year! No better time like the apocalypse for integrating some of that 50-shades-of-gray-chic infused with a touch of dungeon-inspired counter-cultural punk from my youth. What better way to express my inner... priestess? And as my husband who plunked me the anonymized email so aptly surmised it's "a great way to meet attractive gay guys". Somehow, I think the upwardly mobile hipsters of the Summerlands of Ptown can use readings with a candid medium and arts advocate when they are done perusing the galleries. I've sometimes pictured myself in old age, as a grand dame of mediumship, looking like Katharine Hepburn in Suddenly Last Summer, as she descends in her elevator, seated on her wicker throne. Owning such a shop would be a delightful excuse for further research into the depths of human sexuality, from a metaphysical perspective. Wait darling, I'm getting some relationship advice for you from your deceased aunt, bring those nipple clamps to the register and come with me. Naomi Wolfe's investigation of the Vagina should inspire all women to get right down to the real nitty gritty.
I believe my mention of "healthy sexuality" in my brief email may have landed me in the Doreen Virtue angel club file for life. Healthy doesn't mean lacking in kink, to me it just means consensual sex between two adults. If Shakespeare were alive today he might be a cross between the late Timothy Leary and Hunter S. Thompson, and have made his money as international playboy Tycoon, owning his own line of environmentally-friendly, TSA-tamper resistant, silicone-based, Cosplay-inspired sex toys that cater to international business men. If Jane Austen were alive today, she might wear leather chaps, sport a tongue barbell and own SF GLBT-friendly Good Vibrations. Oh yeah, she totally would. Totally. The premier magazine "Goforthauger Abbey" might sell out despite its terrible name, and get reprinted in two hundred languages.
Body Consciousness
I love Yogananda just as much as the next blonde Los Angeles-born theosophist, but why on earth would anyone want to banish the consciousness of the body? Even people in pain benefit from surrendering to a conscious awareness of their body, in order to heal. In the same way, increasing blood flow to an arthritic join improves mobility and ultimately reduces pain, bringing energy and awareness begets healing. Even if the process is long and arduous, as is the case with many auto-immune or degenerative diseases. But I digress.
One thing underscored by the process of giving birth, is that there is a divine consciousness that imbues everything in the physical plain of existence. Anyone who has every made love knows that the physical plain has deep riches buried within its cavernous chasms. The topography of the planet should be proof enough of the texture and depth of the earthly dimension. It reflects the spectrum of consciousness found within the physical plain from plunging deep into the ocean, to scaling the highest melting mountains. This terrain reflects our own bodies. I felt a deeper level of being in my body during birth than any wonderful love making had revealed. Lovemaking can transport us like a time machine, giving us glimpses of our other lives. It can send us out of our bodies, tumbling in outer space like mating dragonflies. It can even give us a glimpse into our animal nature. The experience of taking mushrooms comes close to my experience of natural birth, in that you can feel like part of the earth and at one with universe, tapping into the consciousness of collective wholeness.
Yogananda, dude, after opening up like the Grand Canyon and seeing that the Earth Mother and I are one and the same, why would I want to banish being related to the body? I was Pachamama. I was Gaia, opening the gateway to the otherworlds. I was a portal and my purpose was to be the bridge, be the vessel to bring life from one dimension to another. The earth vibrates at a higher consciousness always. Yogananda advocates being in the mind and controlling it. I would think there is no need to control the mind, but to loose sight of it, allowing the spirit to be in alignment with the earth plain and God consciousness simultaneously.
I agree that meditation brings proof of the existence of God. So too does making love, nursing a baby, being in nature and smiling, listening to birds chirping in a light drizzle, and taking a hot shower. Agreed that human limitations need to be banished from the mind to reach a deeper consciousness...
Friday, April 19, 2013
Wise Words and the Timelessness of Spirit
Thursday, April 18, 2013
May Art Class: It Takes a Village! Shrine to Our Mentors

ART CLASS! Make a Mentor a Timeless Gift
Show your gratitude to someone who has positively influenced your life...
a teacher
a family friend
an uncle or aunt
a grandparent...
IT TAKES A VILLAGE! ‘Shrine’ to Our Mentors
Friday, May 17th, 5-8p.m.
@ Danton Studio
708 RT 134 South Dennis
$15 class fee, plus $10 materials fee
Make a protective mentor shield, in the tradition of the family crest or the dream catcher. Mentors help us on our paths, and we learn from their journeys and wisdom. Share your story through your art piece and the written word.
Shields are wooden, 16 inches in diameter.
Your handmade artwork can be part of our reception at the Luminati Gallery in Dennis, Friday May 24th 4-7pm.
As such it will be displayed on an installation, our It Takes a Village! boat, in honor of the mentors of our lives and in honor of the collective work we do to raise the children of the village and create community together. You may bring your mentor, to honor them during our Ceremony of Gratitude at the reception!
Paige is an artist, activist, and mentor whose passion is to create and support community. She has been mentoring for over twenty years with particular focus on honoring the sacred feminine. She is also the Founder and Director of WAVE ~ The Women's Avenue for Voicing Empowerment.
Co-Teacher: Pandora Peoples, artist, psychic medium, herbal practitioner, ceremonial workshop facilitator, writer and radio host of Healing Wisdom Thursday mornings at 9am on 92.1 WOMR-FM Provincetown.

Monday, April 15, 2013
A Mysterious Woman
Friday, April 12, 2013
Regeneration and Rejuvenation
You don't need a child, a mate, a cat, or a dog to put their hand or paw over your heart to open and heal you. Healing is only opening to the flow of universal love, acceptance and understanding.
*** On a personal level, I am so grateful to my incredible husband who has been healing me with humor and love for many years. He is a true beacon of light, love, and sanity. He is intuitive, nurturing and handsome and a darling and truly my better half. I think sometimes people are afraid to love their mates as fully as they can, for fear of losing them. It's akin to the fear of jinxing something. I love when I see partners and married couples who dare to love each other and care, and stay with it, patiently, with gratitude and a desire to grow. We have so few role models these days in popular culture. It's okay to love your love with as much love as you have. It's okay to keep loving your children like babies and not try to toughen them up. The world does that or us.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
More Guests on Healing Wisdom
This week vocalist, musician and life coach will Larisa Stow of Larisa Stow and the Shakti Tribe!
April 18th Mystic Pete, musician, author of Book One: Sex and Mysticism and Los Anegeles' KXLU deejay.
April 25th rockstar cellist Joe Kwon of the Avett Brothers!!
May 2nd Naturopath Lisa Arnold discussing natural healing and herbs, and International Herb Day.
May 9th drummer & percussionist Orpheo McCord of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros .... and so many talented stellar beings...stay tuned!!
Thursday mornings at 9am EDT on 92.1 WOMR, 91.3 WFMR, and streaming love live at!
Podcasts available under Listen>spoken word>just scroll down & have a merry time of it!
Monday, April 08, 2013
Gaia's Trees
Book Art Project: 'Clay' Box Turtle
Today, my friend Jenny and I are helping the kids in the library to make their own Mossy turtles. Miss Jenny made dough for the kids and Raven & I collected moss, lichen and flowers. The moss is drying at 170 degrees F, so that it will not become moldy when the kids bring their turtles home. The flowers will wilt, but the moss will carry on.
Sunday, April 07, 2013
Angel Babies
It seems people worry a lot about coddling children in a culture that exploits the loss of innocence and the corruption of youth. A quick look at cartoons today will show you what a cynical and sardonic world view we feed to the hungry young minds of our children. I think the world would benefit so much if we prolong our appreciation for the enchantment and imagination of children. They come to the earth so wise and pure, like little Buddhas or angels. In the West, we stick pacifiers (fake milkless nipples made of plastic) into their mouths and make them sleep in another room in a crib, which might as well be a mile away to a baby. Sleeping next to your baby provides warmth and connection. As adults, some folks feel they suffer from sleeping away from their spouse, why should we expect babies or children to be so different in regards to their parents. I love co-sleeping part of the night. It's really spiritually enriching and bonding. Nothing feels more natural. I also like to indulge in babying my child now and then. I treat him like a baby and coo over him in motherease. I tell him how much I adore him, his eyes, his smile, his toes. I think it's super important for kids to remember the feeling of being a pure innocent being of love and light. Adults thrive when they feel that pure love every now and then too. It feels so fantastic to embody that pure mama or papa love too.
Saturday, April 06, 2013
The Body's Intuition
In its own small way, my radio program will help be a 'fair and balanced' counterweight to all of the anti-spiritual anti-compassionate anti global-consciousness propaganda woven into the narratives and threads of our popular culture, which is reflective of the disinformation campaigns launched for profit by conglomerates at the expense of the environment and our collective sanity. Many of my guests will undoubtedly bring a transcendental perspective with ideas about how we can transmute energy and heal our bodies.
Friday, April 05, 2013
Soothing a Cough
There are many demulcent and anti-inflammatory herbs that soothe the throat. I have found slippery elm inner bark, calendula flowers, lily bulb, and coltsfoot to be particularly helpful in quickly speeding the healing of the throat.
Another useful combination care of Dominion Herbal College is the following powdered herbs:
Elecampane (one ounce)
Skunk cabbage (one ounce)
Aniseed (one ounce)
Pleurisy root (one ounce)
Licorice root (1/2 ounce)
Ginger root (1/2 ounce)
Lobelia (1/4 ounce)
Cayenne (1/4 ounce)
Mix these together. Infuse a teaspoon of the powder in hot water. Sweeten with honey. Take 3 tablespoons 3-4 times daily. Or better yet, Mix an ounce in a jug with a pint of hot water and 4-6 ounces of honey, administer ½ cup four times daily. This is good for bronchitis, asthma and coughs equally.
Healing Wisdom Debut
(By the way, for anyone who listened live, the humming isn't on the original interview. There were some loose wires, but the issue has been resolved. You can hear it here: Also, expect every show after my second to have a tag, concluding the episode.
This weather is crazy, last year was quite tropical by comparison. We had rainy Spring, not a snowy one. Thankfully, the crocuses are still vibrant. The daffodils are beginning to bloom, but the forsythia hasn't began to emerge. I recall in 2011, the summer was hot and filled rainbursts, thunder and lightning storms. Last year was fairly green, and we had a great number of perfect days to ride your bike to the beach and take a dip in the water at sunset. Perhaps, we can sing to the clouds, and summon another tropical summer.
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