Mystic Paneurysms, Pan-fried Divinations, and Momtastic Pansophy

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Live Music on Healing Wisdom
Monday, December 07, 2015
Chiropractor Mitch Tishler on Healing Wisdom
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
What is the Single Most Important Ingredient to Healthy Living?
My next guest has the answer.
What did Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan have in common? They all sought out the advice and friendship of my next guest. This Thursday on Healing Wisdom, Doctor of Oriental Medicine author Dr. David Kearney shares his secrets from 40 years of practice.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Quantum Physics and the Metaphysics of the Ancient Platonists
Monday, November 16, 2015
Red Tent Temple Movement
Thursday, November 05, 2015
Honoring Your Ancestors with Lozen, Apache Medicine Woman and Midwife
Here are pics from my photoshoot with Juhl. Today we honor the life of Lozen, a medicine woman and midwife turned warrior and protectress of her people. There is a lot of misinformation and mythology surrounding the relations between native indigenous people and white settlers. The cavalry often showed up in the middle of the night and murdered women and children while the men were away, sometimes on Reservation Land, before moving the remaining Natives in the morning to other reservations or prison camps. Lozen defended her people, and used her psychic sense to gain knowledge about the enemy. I believe the collective soul of Native Americans must be healed and mended for all that they endured standing up for peace, justice and the right to their homeland, but I wonder at the collective soul of their tormentors' whose souls will forever be haunted.
In Wicca, it is believed that whatever you put out into the world comes back threefold. The concept is similar to dharma. Gratitude for your ancestors' many gifts and appreciation for their struggles is important and helps souls stay at peace, or find it. Listen to your angels, ancestors and spirit guides, you owe it to them! Vibrate with what is good and holy on the earth. Celebrate life and pray for cosmic allignment, truth and justice to prevail. Pray that light is shed on the darkest recesses of humanity and that consciousness, compassion, humanity and love wins over all.
Sunday, November 01, 2015
The Witching Hour and My Mother the Moon
The eighties gaudy neon extravagance, big hair and anti-intellectualism stumbled into the nineties. It was the summer on Venice Beach, when the morning maritime fog roles in over the edges of civilization, before inlanders would make a lazy mad dash to stake their claim at a jacked up parking spot, a patch of hot sand, and all the Ray's pizza and churros they and their families can stuff down before dragging broken baby strollers and lawn chairs over fireworks-and-old-gum-stained cracked sidewalks on their smoky exoduses home. Their backpacks full of Bart Simpsons t-shirts, Blue Blockers, Bob Marley buttons and nag champa.
Little did they know of the marine layer and quiet of dawn, not of the fresh ocean winds that their ghastly stalling cars, Banana Boat tans, and cheap cologne vanquished. They came for the spectacles: homeless veterans beat boxers with psychic pets, old gypsy quad skaters in bikinis, drunken piano players, hip-hopping glass-walkers and the skateboarding torso man. I was in fifth grade, going into sixth. So skinny, I could be mistaken for an adult woman at a distance. Before my chubby awkward phase and my sexual awakening, before I adored anything BUT BBC period films, Motown, Arthurian era romance, Shakespeare and Baroque churches. I'd read The Witches by Roald Dahl, and I was pretty sure I was one. It would be a year before I wore a bra, but my breasts were hardly bigger than they are now. I caved when boys became fascinated with my resistance to doing the things pubescent girls do. The stinky boys who smelled like morning breath, gym socks, old pee and Tide, insisted on discussing my nipples with loud voices amplified by the stucco walls that defined our unconventional basketball court. Hate is a strong word. My dreams always kept me sane. Corinthian columns, Rosetta Stones, stained glass Cathedral windows, the Globe Theatre, the Louvre.
My mother was away the day I woke up in a gooey, mess of brown clotted menstrual blood. It looked like a lifetime of repressed vitality thickly coating utilitarian pastel underwear, hard to imagine coming from a girl of eleven. My father insisted amid my panicked screams that I had shit myself, and that my intestines weren't descending through my vagina. After being informed that I had bled from my vagina, I was euphoric. Much less shameful that shitting ones self. I was just doing what every woman who had every lived had done before me. I felt I had inherited some legacy, something richer than gold. My body was healthy and it possessed knowledge beyond my understanding, beyond words. My mother helped me to feel proud and lucky, against the jeers of grown men, the creeping lurkers eyeing young girls on every street and the mean, stinky boys who seemed to have inherited canned attitudes about women and their bodies from dark 1950s men's clubrooms. I had to confront with new autonomy when I returned to school for 6th grade.
Rites of passage had intrigued me. I was spellbound by Coming of Age traditions in National Geographics articles. I decided to create a ceremony, based in Celtic tradition and went to work researching and casting the parts among my mother's friends: High Priestess, Mother, Maiden, Crone, et cetera. What a blessing it was to be empowered in a circle of women, in Magu State Park, on that August day!
Ceremony is so important, for it acknowledges the mystical, magical ways of our Universe, and honors our place in it, our unique and collective paths and gifts. Continuing in the tradition of the grandmothers, I am happy that my path has helped me to reconnect other people, women most especially, to a space they are awake to their creativity and soul's purpose. The culture is so fragmented, cynical, adversarial, divided and devicive that claiming our birthrights as spiritual, intuitive, loving and compassionate beings is quite an accomplishment!
I am excited to offer Goddessing Ceremony next week at Birthwell LA!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Upcoming Guests on Healing Wisdom
Next week, we have Dr. John Spencer, author of, "The Eternal Law: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Modern Physics, and Ultimate Reality" discussing how Platonic ideas of objective reality and objective truth are babies being thrown out in the bath water of modern philosophy. He speaks with me us about how rational scientific thinking doesn't rule out the invisible metaphysical world, and how they are in fact mutually exclusive. He talks about underlying fallacies in the New Age community that react against fundamentalist mechanistic dogma. He looks at Greek philosophy and physics through a new lens and shares his insights.
We speak with Pandora Thomas, Co-founder of Earthseed Consulting, whose work expands opportunities for sustainable living for diverse communities. She talks about the intersections between permaculture, green architecture, social, environmental and racial justice.
We speak with Patricia Algara, founder of With Honey in Heart, a non-profit dedicated to elevating the status of bees and creating habitats for pollinators. She holds a Master's Degree in Landscape Architecture, is a professor at UC Berkley and has been working on community empowerment projects creating learning environments, food productive landscapes and much more.
Also, coming up is an interview with ALisa Starweather, creator of the red tent temple movement discussing sisterhood, the sacred feminine, red tents, and The Parliament of the World's Religions.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Home Tidings
There is everything and nothing ambiguous about being dead and the same thing holds true for seeing dead people. These days I see the spirits with less stark clarity than I used to, because I no longer live at the beach. I rely on an inner site, rather than on being surrounded by the elemental ocean and sheer blackness to conduct the energy of the Angels. I no longer nest comfortably on the shore, waves lapping at the jetty rocks beneath me, tucked into the space between worlds that at once has More value to me that any mortal occupation, and yet holds the key ingredient to giving my earthly ife meaning.
For the first time that I can remember I am grieving without regret, almost without sadness. The weeping within is a psychic release, almost like the negative space in a picture, or the shadow of a Peruvian cross on the floor of Machu Pichu. But it is not my shadow. I am grieving for my uncle, and for general things...for the loss of innocence, the fall from grace which has led to perpetual global war. I am grievous for the suppression of truth, for the close mindedness, the cattiness, the superficiality, the fear that keeps people from waking up to the happenings on the planet. I am grievous over slow growth, the erosion of women's rights, and the cruel way materialism, classism, hatred and racism have gripped our global morale and policies. I am grievous that the appalling devastation of ecosystems on this planet is not calling more people to action. That people cling to the sort of petty jealousy and greed that got us into this trouble in the first place. we live in a world where Donald Trump is running for president, so we are all suffering collectivelWe live in a world where our children feel unsafe. We live in a world where the trees are dying, the ice caps are melting and the sea level is rising.
I am looking forward to connecting with the angels in the City of Angels under my astronomical home because of how clear they come in visually for me there. For when I do walk among them it is the single most comforting thing to me. It gives me perspective and hope beyond reason. People tend to project an impossible solemnity on their deities and God figures. Angels reflect the spectrum of human emotion and add to it a sense of oneness with the collective consciousness beyond what we can imagine. They are funny and playful. I want find that meditative state of complete familiarity and hominess I had overlooking the Pacific Ocean on the beach which allowed me to visually experience their presence in full technicolor. I spent twenty years of my life inhabiting and traversing that beach, that shoreline, so it is no small wonder that I felt I was as much a part of the topography as it was part of my DNA. I still have access to that sense of security and safety offered by the elemental world from my office, but for some reason, the energy of the Atlantic Ocean and perhaps the landmarks along its shores offer me no solace. Yearning for the familiar expanse that seems to reverberate with heavenly music and native tongues. Surely gatekeepers like Pele hasten weather from archipelagos' tropical primordial forests. The Atlantic seems like an unfamiliar past, whereas the Pacific feels like a familiar future.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Dreaming Into Being
Gypsy caravaning up to New Hampshire to teach a workshop for the transformative supermoon. It's a Get Your Goddess On Full Harvest Moon kinda Saturday, leading up to the powerful lunar eclipse on Sunday.
Goddess Kirtan. Sound Journey. Group Art Play. Harvest Potluck.
We're playing dress up and enjoying an aromatherapy Sacred Spa with healing medicinal teas and oils. Just like the Monoian priesstesses of yor. If some chica doesn't get bare breasted and hold a fist full of snakes...I won't have done my job.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
No One Can Prepare Themselves
Monday, September 14, 2015
Homeboy Tennessee and the 15th Anniversary of the Kern County River Rapids Expedition
I took my husband to see A Cat on a Hit Tin Roof. Tennessee Williams plays are like salty lips lathered in strawberry balm, beaded with brandy, a burning shower in peach Ciroc aftershave and a slap in the face, a frantic shuffle to undress in a tight space that leaves bruised lovers unsated, huffing and puffing.
With our country pushing us further into WWIII, it seemed perfect to be celebrating in the town that is the fist, of the flexed arm of American chutzpah. Packs of short, small-boned, heavily-cologned, twenty-something-men in brand new flannel shirts, skinny pants and thong sandals smacking bubblegum converged outside karaoke bars and night clubs that seemed like Disneyland, if Disneyland did "A Las-Vegas-style Seventeenth Century Seaside Villa in the Green Zone". Wild-eyed short-haired lesbians on beach cruisers rode straight down Commercial Street, almost hitting us, and chortling. With laughs like batting eye lashes and rose perfume.
We drank Chamborde at a galley-like dive bar festooned with rusty anchors and lobster trap buoys. A Dutch-angles-state-of-mind created by the slanted floor boards and the octave-and-dimension-surfing refrains of Roy Orbison on the jukebox. If ghosts were there, they were busily ignoring the living, twittling their hair, like mermaids contemplating land-lover careers as burlesque dancers. The drinks were weak, and ungenerous, from the youthful hands of the the seasoned older blonde bartender, business savvy and cold to non-natives. Her face was white like a mermaid at war with oxygen. She's a sharp-as-a-tack shapeshifter, who can wear her years like a horsewoman, and peel 'em away in a flash of her smile, in the snap of her fingers. The vespertine atmosphere is like that of The Specs in SF, if The Specs was a ghostship that ate mushrooms and melted deep into the earth, Chernobyl style.
The blanket of rough, broken shells on the shore met with the black water and black sky sisters, holding up the small narrow boats that looked like glass slippers and wooden clogs, wobbling side to side in the lapping Kahlúa sea. The angels were out on the water, twinkling, lilting, and bending beams of light. Hubby and I darted with the herons along the shore and under the wood pillars of docks and houses, before we barefoot climbed between darkened houses, along wood beams to a crushed abalone-filled parking lot at Angel Foods. Pure coincidence, mind you.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
My Eternal Jukebox Versus the Flags of Other Peoples' Dreams
In my own way, I'm married to the Goddess. Maybe you could even call her my wifey.
As much as my Eternal-Summer-loving Los Angelino spirit denies it, it's high time for the depth of night to envelope my soul. It's time I was overtaken by the resolution of ruddy Autumn. That I lay, chilled and blanketed, surrounded by the simplicity of disrobing trees. Injuries and vindications, triumphs and tribulations, zeal and ecstatic revelations, all cast downward in a freeing display of surrender. The summer distractions will be replaced by the action of Autumn...the contemplative hunter will confront the teeth and claws of the bear, before he can take his medicine. The proverbial autumn kill will sustain us through the hours of quiet creation Winter affords. Autumn is the Odalisque of seasons, while the summer is the Quaalude of reasons. A time of sober judgment in the wake of pratfalls and the seductive rapture of August. Battles fought in heat, leave sidewalks lined with pretty sorrows like lingerie that will never look quite the same again. Reparations reside in melancholy melons and squishy squash, moaning autumn breaks us away from the freedom of summer heat.
This summer was the first summer I enjoyed a true vacation in years: floating in the ocean and the ponds as light as a mermaid who has had her way. Slowing down to play with my son, be with him, and be there for him in ways I can't during the school year. Taking him to the beaches, having picnics, using our imagination, building forts, teaching him about art and history. Subservient to happiness.
Alas, there were moments I was at the mercy of my own tequila-fueled pleasure in the wake of my uncle's mysterious murder. I let my savage brain live in the moment, on ice, escaping the raw secondary emotions in favor of those one might imagine from a sauntering cavewoman who has just discovered tango, or a lone cowgirl a-sail under a charcoal sky animated by constellations. A perfect balance of togetherness and alone time has defined my reverie. After an unnatural and callous Winter, despair lining the vessel of my familial ship, I sought comfort in what I possess, in what is mine. My husband and I began dating each other, and after seventeen years together, that's really something. I called him my boyfriend twice, reminding me of our early days when we'd drive his Plymouth Scamp to 50s diners for all American breakfasts.
There were some kooky events and exchanges that punctuated the vast space of summer, that hit me unusually like fireballs hurling through a midnight cabin or green falling comets that explode into a carnival of fairy dust when they reach the earth's atmosphere and go mostly unseen by those around you. I see ways in which some of those I love have made me invisible and in effect I've allowed this to unwrite me from my own life.
This summer Death has touched me. When I didn't sink, the Skeleton Specter conspired with the Morrigan Fates to test if in fact I am a witch. Despite the Reaper's attempts to abscond with the gold from my heart and the Eternal Flame from my mouth, I remained afloat if in a sea of nectar and salt, while He took the brick road home to his master. Meanwhile his playfellow, the great white banshee, snowy Owl, has been dive-bombing the barn on my prairie. Showing me what I need to change and transforming things for me.
My Eternal Jukebox seems to be playing louder than ever. My need to dance is louder than any sound. My need to sing is louder than any praise, any club. I sing because I must talk with the dead. They confide in me their stories. I must reach out to the immortal ghosts, for they unite me with the elements, with God, with my soul.
Vows, values and pledges spoken in words only, rarely remain intact at the root. I have wandered the monasteries, the ethereal cloisters resounding in hymns, where angels have gathered. I have made like a waterfall into the powwows of the ancients, resting amid grandfather stones to renew my alliances and allegiances. Human vows and human values are written with human frailty. I cannot be friends based on circumstantial evidence of similarity. Rudeness and snide attitude, shallow mindsets and jealous joshing are feminine housewarming gifts I prefer to live without. I would much rather marry into a tribe of deer or cardinals, than make small talk, putdowns and profess opinions written into the cells that defined me at my birth. Living my life impersonal and with more negative space than words, would turn every interested, hungry, curious and incandescent part of me into a Hallmark card. I return to my origins to renew my faith, my fortress, my integral lines with Spirit. The religiosity and team spirit sewn into the brands that form relationships are flags of other's people's dreams. None of that computes in my alien heart.
It is the songs, the rhythms of the Heaven and Earth bridged that ruptures my failing ego and blossoms healing in my ailing wounds.
My gothic threads aren't going to go away. Like Baroque architecture, my structural integrity is here to stay. I can dress it up in secretary chic or gallery wino hip, but whatever its incarnation, this gothic sensibility makes it so that I can't watch TV, give a rat's behind about professional sports, or heed the advice of glossy magazines. I don't want what other people are having. I see the crowd and I'd break shoes and garner bruises, scale a cliff to run in the other direction. I've discovered I cannot pee into a mason jar in a midnight tent, but that won't stop me from waxing poetic about it. Small town life isn't for me, but here I am. All in all, I'm quite satisfied, swimming with the oily Selkie, hearing the silence of dawn, blooming in my own rhythm while helping others in the garden unfurl.
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
The Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival
There are only two writers whose timeless souls I worship as I do Jesus, the Buddha, the fierce Polynesian Volcano Goddess Pele and the Warrior Goddess Kali whose many arms slay and display simultaneously a demon's head. This is simply because these two playwrights charge forward through rainbow ribboned quantum portals dragging audiences along a ride like a baptism. These writer-Gods driving chariots of fire across an apocalyptic sun-flaring burning sky of righteous indignation. The landscape covered in resurrected sympathies ripe with emotion. Our scabs come undone as we grokk the gaping wounds of the characters before us. Our collective sweat pools, knee jerk laughs free us, our subconscious journeys underneath the stories like river snakes or goffers, while our etheric blood coagulates. We breathe in and sign out the landscape of human predicaments, pain, love, and lust. We stop off at Humiliation and are dumped in peels of laughter, and baptized in clarity that is unique to these two playwrights.
Tomorrow at 9am EDT streaming at, airing at 92.1 WOMR-fm in Ptown and 91.3 WFMR-fm in Orleans. In the am I will be speaking with Jef Hall-Flavin, the Executive Director for the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival, where he directed Eugene O’Neill’s Diff'rent, as well as three world-premiere Tennessee Williams one-act plays, The Parade (2006), Green Eyes (2008), and The Enemy: Time (2009), among many other plays.
Hall-Flavin's recent directing projects include The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire both of which he staged in New Zealand; and A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Park Square Theatre in his home town of St. Paul, Minnesota.
As Associate Director of The Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, D.C., he assisted Michael Kahn and Bill Alexander on several productions, directed As You Like It in a co-production with the Kennedy Center, and restaged Mark Lamos’ production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Shakespeare Free-For-All, as well as the Aspen Institute’s Ideas Festival.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Soprano, Pianist and Performance Artist Phoebe Legere on Healing Wisdom
Tune in to our incredibly casual conversation conversation 9am ET on 92.1 WOMR-fm in Provincetown, 91.3 WFMR-fm in Orleans or streaming at
Monday, August 24, 2015
Pandora's Jukebox Gets a Lift
Lots o' #surf, #80srock and #electroswing
Pandora's Jukebox Playlist
I'm moving to every 2nd and 4th Sunday morning on Outermost Radio out of Provincetown, Mass in late October or even November through May.
It looks like my monthly Jukebox stints will continue.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
My Uncle, or a Demon Doing a Damn Good Impression
Together, they will open their own War of the Worlds Laundromat with surf music, tsunami footage playing on multiple television sets and a vending machine with Coolpis Kimchee Wipe Out and Black Vinegar Juice Twister. They will build a Creature from the Black Lagoon mini-golf park known for its arcade with an interactive weather modification hologram featuring the Winter Olympics in China and an I-Survived-Swimming-in-Rio Olympics video game.
The newlyweds will start a fast-food joint called, Mac's Big Pharm, inspired by Nuclear Age Sci-Fi where Deadly Mantis burgers, Forbidden Planet French fries, and Invasion of the Body Sashimi will be filled with ADHD and anti-anxiety meds. OxyContin for Toddler Go-gurts will trend on #post-apocalyptic social media like new #HeadtripImplants(TM) that stream content both auditorily and visually without Google Glass.
As the poster boy for expatriate/Post-WWII-dreams fulfilled, Galen can be the George Bailey of affordable cat tranquilizers dispensed through Mac's Big Pharm Taco Tuesdays.
Each "fast-fun" joint with feature a miniature Yangtze River running through the grounds into which patrons will piss their meds directly. Folks can watch resulting DNA transmographication in a nearby miniature man-made gorge, where a large screen above shows play-by-play time lapse images of infertile fish trying to conceive, hermaphrodite tadpoles chasing their own tails, and octopi caught red-finned in embarrassing genetic mutations.
What's curious is this whole thing got started with her sending him postcards she painted of culinary creations she made up to look like scenes from Mothra Vs. Godzilla, Atomic War Bride, and I Married a Monster From Outer Space. She was really giving him the business right from the start, and now she is sewing Doctor Who costumes they will wear to Cosplay swingers' parties that mostly involve reading to each other from their favorite graphic novels and re-living their favorite graphic novel dialogue over impromptu diorama building contests. They stay up late singing karaoke over non-alcoholic St. Pauli’s and take lots of selfies of themselves wearing superhero masks. In honor of their imaginary relationship, I bought 3 red kimonos today, and the woman who sold them to me gave me a gorgeous wedding dress in exchange for modeling it on one of her horses, Mr. T. (She has rescued horses I visit.)
My Hero-shima is the best little man. He reads car manuals cover to cover and informs me of our cars' features, spends hours reading about anti-virus software and researching companies he may like to work for. He fixes broken things. He helps me in learning to play the piano. He builds stuff and today he put together solar powered fans. He just turned 8.
While contemplating the next incarnation of my Pandora's Jukebox logo, I've been looking at some of my favorite artists' works. Hero is discovering my art books: Kay Neilson, Georgia O'Keeffe, Botticelli, Salvador Dali, Maxfield Parish, Klimt, Mucha, Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema...but he lingers with Jan Saudek's photos, probably because he thinks that they are inappropriate. Although, HR Giger (the artist behind The Alien film) creeps him out too much to open. Too many baby-faced condoms on the cover? I'll have to wrap my chocolate stash in Giger print outs.
Today, we ate wild blueberries on our walk with friends. I just wish summer could linger on for another couple of months. It's always too short. I have so many photos I'd like to take but I need the right models. I have a very Art Nouveau/Ingmar Bergman shoot in mind, but I really need three young ladies with very long hair in very long chiffon dresses with trains. Cape Cod in the summer is heavenly and I must capture this light and the gorgeous beaches and grapevines before the skies turn gray and the leaves turn autumnal.
Before we moved I found some old art. Visual art was really my first love, and as a result of not spending enough time my skill hasn't grown much. But, illustration and painting is something that I would love to go back to. Sad that most of my art got moldy and had to be thrown away over the years. Always take photos.
Here is my birth art:
Never draw your genitals in a less than ideal way, especially blown out, or you might found your self in stitches and in serious pain. I thought a rose was a cute metaphor for opening (like a blossom).
I really did give birth in a 20 dollar kiddy pool. Funny how it didn't retain any heat in the 7 hours I was tripping my brains out, acting like a gorilla and refusing to leave the pool. It was those goddamn ferns telling me to stay put.
This was how my goddess series started ten or twelve years ago...
I went through a femanazi phase where I read Bust and Bitch magazine, (and lots of Adbusters), with a little Cunt (the matrilineal neolithic term for challice/sacred vessel) and Adios Barbie for good measure. (Along with some classics from Mary Daly, Emma Goldman, Naomi Wolf, Betty Friedan....)
Here's what put the kibosh on my nanny career (I was 16/17 in Community College): Social Critique of the Capitalistic Agenda and Big Pharma
And... "Infantalism with Angela"
Here is a self-hate-portrait from that time:
Here's was my first pillow book for a tenth grade film analysis class where we watched Japanese porn, Bergman, Truffaut, Cocteau, and the like.
7th Grade: This globe is a snap of a print of a painting I made for a teacher-mentor-friend I adored. In 7th grade I read a 500 page biography of Oscar Wilde, was fascinated by Lewis Carrol, listened to a lot of Chopin and bought opera tickets with money I made from my art. I wanted to travel the world, see Shakespeare performed at the Globe Theatre and The Magic Flute at the Teatro di San Carlo.
5th grade: The kid who sat next to me. At ten I studied Viennese Baroque architecture, read Shakespeare at length and wrote sonnets in iambic pentameter, sat at museums and in front of Victorian houses for hours on end sketching.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Electronic Violinist Roswitha on Healing Wisdom
Friday, July 31, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Healing Wisdom Through July
Dance professors Leda Muhana and David Iannitelli from the Universidad Federal of Bahia will be talking about Brazilian dance and culture promoting a dance concert happening Wednesday July 29th at 7:30pm at Preservation Hall in Wellfleet.
Vocalist and guitarist Claudia Wellington and cellist Ellen Watters Sullivan will be on next week promoting their music and poetry event Friday July 31st at 2pm at the Truro Public Library. It's a Cape Cod Poetry Group event. Both women have performed in a women's improvisational music group that plays for people in hospice. Among her teachers Sullivan studied with Rudolph Kratina, an Austrian cellist who had studied with Strauss. A,ong other bands, Wellington sang with Kangeroo Swing Orchestra at clubs in Paris and the French Alps and performed as a headliner at the Beauvais Jazz Festival.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
"MagicP" "Hands" "Seal1"
Fairytales such as the selkie stories, origin stories and mythological tales, speak to us in parables that resonate with the soul. There are so many things we can only know with our hearts and not our minds, because the invisible world is so vast and richly layered. The union of land and sea folks in Between Land and Sea is a wonderful metaphor for peoples coming together from different worlds and finding peace. It is only in joining forces that activated, creative, soulful people can defeat the negative forces on this planet that keep people focused on the surface world.
Thursday, July 09, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
A Very Patriotic 4th of July
Friday, June 26, 2015
Marishka Phillips on Healing Wisdom!
Here is her show: CLICK HERE
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth
Yesterday, I gave a phenomenal reading, percussive shamanic clearing, sound/energy healing and soul retrieval (so say my clients). The better conduit I am for angel communications, spirit guide messages and healing energy medicine, the better channel I am as a performer. At least, this is the theory. We shall find out shortly if this is actually so.
My singing feels different, liberated like wild seaweed frothing around in salty riptides. Sonically, my perfectionism has given way to a much looser ecstatic celebration of imperfection. Optimism has sprouted and bloomed bunches of fragrant cacti in my proverbial desert garden set among jaded rocks scooped out ages ago by the movements of sea and ice. The bats of sundown have left the sandy soil better than they found it. Mineral deposits in former creek beds contain bits of quartz and agate that shimmer in the moonlight. Nothing purely intellectual or overly fancy can grow in the heat of the noon day sun. Materialistic hunger and lovers of shallow terrain cannot survive where inner reservoirs are required.
Where there has been loss of self, caught in weirs by fine wires and wandering amid the cemeteries, tarrying at history's flashy altars, I have stumbled and hid. I have lain at the bottom of the sea in a clown suit with my face in the sand, menstruating and playing dead in shark waters. I have shed my skin with loofas, pumice stones, and cheese graters, burned my hands on stove tops until I am bloody and raw, until alchemical processes of transmutation kicked in. I have played matador with the Minotaur. Serving papers I have divorced, condemned, condoned, officially and unofficially, signing off, signing out and signing in again. Somethings have been carved out of me, others have been torn away, some have broken away, some I have drown. But through all of these changes, I have discovered what is left.
Futures and children and investments have come and gone like an eroding cliff tousled by stormy seas at time lapse pace. Through a trip to a menagerie of porcelain fortune tellers behind glass in a Victorian penny arcade, I have seen the kaleidoscope of the past, present and future. On the steps of a fun house on the longest afternoon in eternity I have seen myself oblong and tired with shadows for tears. Inside the Musée Mécanique, I have been hypnotized by the Laughing Lady, chortled at the Wicked Wizard, and fallen madly in love with the Belly Dancer on Her Day Off. And in a moment when time stood still, I shrunk to the size I wanted to be remembered by, and entered into the dollhouse, waltzing and humming. My self a curiosity. My nosedive vision contained all the color, beauty, blood and horror of a jungle writhing with the stench of carnivorous plants, coy wildflowers and unapologetic orchids in heat. Floral pollinators buzzing, on undulating and aching flowers beneath the battle of men who disrupt and ignore the omnipresent lovemaking and insectual feeding frenzies all about them.My inner punk rocker has grown a pair of maracas, uses her claws to aerate the soil, wears hawk and eagle feathers for mohawks. The feminism that inspired me to rebel against the misogyny I encountered early on is still coursing within me and royally pissed, but she's graduated. She's not throwing full rubber-made Luna Cups at misogynistic movie makers who enjoy killing and degrading women on screen. She's not leaving used homemade abortion kits in the expensive cars of neoconservative corporate think tank shills/devil worshipping prolife proGMO eugenists. She has found alternate modalities, methods and non-ordinary realities. My inner child grew up and grew wings. In some ways, we are living inside the wardrobe, or through the looking glass. This time I am wearing an apron and my hair is in a dignified bun. This time, my goal is to protect the orphans and angels incarnate. It's to collectively work to raise the vibrations of this planet and perhaps even help save humanity from its undoing.
The thing is, for a long time, I thought I had to put my creativity on hold to cultivate my healing practice. I'm glad I did. I wanted to steep myself in the natural and spirit world like the priestesses of Cybil and Minoan Crete. I wanted to lose sleep over it like a backpacker mountain climber, sweaty, stinky and suspended on a hammock hanging off a precipice a mile over the known world. Alone. Channeling most of the night and mornings away, devoting most of my brain space to the metaphysical explorations and paranormal investigations.
Despite the fact that being in service fulfills my soul on a deep level, I have long felt something was missing. Helping people to find their sheer bliss and explore every facet of themselves doesn't ring quite right when part of you has lurked on a furthermost back burner for years. Sublimated. Rationalized away. How will people take my psychic work seriously, if I also like playing characters? (I may be allergic to the word acting.) My whole adult life has been a journey to be as authentic, un-indoctrinated, free-thinking, honest and naked as possible. After dying inside as a child, and being overcome with profound sadness so young, I built up a lot of layers. I was a painfully shy child, but also longed so much to shine and try to endeavor to deserve life.
The truth is would you want a psychic who has no life experiences to draw from, who has no personal creative outlet, who lives through the dreams and manifestations of others, who is ready to project their own limitations onto others? Or, would you want someone who is trained in all the arts, who dabbles in everything, and can look at circumstances and situations from many points of view?
I have been preparing for my selkie role by visiting the sea with my family. We were twice blessed by visits from migrating seals. In fact, I had some almost other worldly encounters with two of them and the angels. My sister selkies liked the dancing I offered them in gratitude for their presence. They stayed just off shore for about an hour. I fancy we had a good conversation, or exchange of ethos.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Pandora's Jukebox Plus Film Festival Interviews
go to Pandora's Jukebox
click: Station Archive
click: June 20
click: Outer Cape Teens
My guests were writer/director Andrew Dresher, producers Chip and John of Beatbox and writers/directors/stars Alex Holdridge and Linnea Saasen. We also had special guest theater manager Bob Giovanelli giving us a PIFF update.
So much fun!
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Mother Earth's Coming Up Roses While Schlooompy the Couch Gets Her Groove Back
Nature and God are One. The Cod is abundantly glorious 'round Midsummer, most especially after such a frightful winter. Playing with my son today on the beach made every step on this journey worth it.
Schlooompy the Couch has a renewed appreciation for life in her new home...Location location location. (This is the beginning of a Cape Cod 'lanai', we will screen the porch it for guests this summer.)
Monochrome Living Room has mortal purpose and immortal memory. Derives pleasure from its collective superpowers and the global gestalt. New home is reading multiple books on plant intelligence, indigenous medicine and Reiki.
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