Friday, August 30, 2013

Visitation from a Departed Mentor

Being a medium is really cool, because you get surprise visits from family members and friends, and can often hear what they are saying quite clearly. My shaman teacher Cecilia Garcia visited me. She is proud of me for continuing the tradition of her pain liniment, which is incredibly effective. She opened the door, tapped on the lamp, tapped on a liniment jar, and pointed at me and then at a toy turtle on the floor. She's happy that I interviewed Beverly Little Thunder, and hopes I will continue to interview grandmothers of indigenous tribes. Astral projection is so much fun now, I wonder what it will be like on the other side? I'm probably gonna be one of those lights-on-lights-off spirit guides some day.

Cecilia was such a riot, she would wear her long hair in braids over a white shirt with a cartoon of a skinny cartoon body in the center. She enjoyed making fun of us students, and had a very dry sense of humor sometimes. She says,
"You can't convert people, but you can get a charge out of them. Until they are flying people, and master their dreams, they need not attend ceremony. Be a master of your own ceremony. [Pointing to my heart.] Honor your divide. It's the will of the people, uniting in a force of light that will win, for those of you who have concerns that such a thing cannot be accomplished. Dark howling woods. Kooks. Brandy on their breath. Those who cherish things that don't last, don't last. Last words for tonight."
Well, there you go folks. Onward and upward. Quite literally, we should take up lucid flying in the dreamworlds. Good night.

And for someone out there, she says for you to remember "eagle feather".

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Author of Practical Conscious Creation Talks Money Trees

Jackie Lapin, author and transformational business consultant, talks money trees, emotions, vibrational frequency, relationships, and overcoming grief. Lapin talks about the manifestation equation, and why The Secret misses an important element in that equation. Dream boards are helpful in visualizing, but that's just a springboard. Here's the interview:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Never ever take anything or anyone for granted. Be grateful for all there is to be thankful for. Be humble every day is everything you do.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Whole Universe Within

Everybody has a story. Everybody contains the whole universe within. The Universe is so vastly complex; its humbling to bear witness to its majesty. Every reading sheds new insights. Meeting new clients and their spirit guardians is like being a translator at a family reunion where long lost family members from various countries unite. Being in service to others and to Spirit is the best feeling.

According to my friend the hawk who visited me this late afternoon, it's time to write.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sage, Sage, Oh Wise Sage

Ceremonial (white) sage is useful for many projects. The tea can be boiled as a decoction, and used to cleanse the hair of residue from the oils in shampoos and conditions. It is also said to keep the hair from turning gray and even to reverse the effects of aging. I have definitely found that to be true with strong herbal infusions of the tea, taken internally. Sage tea is often an effective cure for colds and flus. Besides its antiviral, diaphoretic, and rejuvenative properties, it's also analgesic (pain relieving). A liniment of white sage, black sage, sage brush, capsicum, and avocado seeds in tequila or rum base put in a dark glass, tight container in a dark place for two weeks, makes a very effective pain rub for sciatica, arthritis (all types) and sore muscles. And you can thank my late Chumash shaman teacher Cecilia Garcia for that recipe. If you make this liniment and hear a cackle that sounds like a hyena, it just might be her!

Here is what wise woman Beverly Little Thunder has to say about sage...among other things...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

House Clearings

Last night, I conducted an epic house clearing and reading. A house that had been a safe haven, with very inviting, uplifting energy, had become inundated with murky vibrations due to a roommate who was combating some 'inner demons'. Upon leaving, unsettling energy was left behind in her wake.

In the divine scheme of things, situations like this occur to stir things up. Wild, unpleasant events or people sometimes enter our lives to break up old patterns we call monotony. The chaos of madness serves its purpose on the collective stage. For that we must be grateful. We've learned a new lesson the hard way. Sometimes it takes something drastic to wake us up, to help us consciously move forward. You have the right to remove the drama.

Here's how I clear a house energetically:
+Find the energetic strengths and positive spirits to utilize those influences.
+ Identify the negative or chaotic energies, spirits, thought forms, old emotions, or ghosts.
+ Talk to the cats because they've seen it all, are very sensitive and are energy healers.
+ Assess the old energetic vibrations and patterns that are around the furniture, decks, yards, basements, garages, and in each room.
+ Use herbal projects: smudging, teas, prayer ties, steaming, mojo bags, etc.
+ Use sound clearing with percussive instruments.
+ Make a few fundamental feng shui shifts by moving a few items if necessary.

Reasons to clear a house?
+ Just moved in
+ Insomnia
+ Old roommate leaving
+ Move on from patterns of loss or grief
+ Create New Beginnings
+ Unsettling energies in your home

Do you have a home that needs clearing?

Email me at

Monday, August 19, 2013

Eckhart Tolle on Love

The Eckhart Tolle quote provided in the following two paragraphs contain some interesting thoughts...although I think love is more complex than this. Passion and desire can also involve wanting to merge in a soulful state, and that's as true as non-possessive, unconditional love. I definitely think what Mr. Tolle is speaking to here is part of the equation. Hate may occur for some people I suppose, but I would say most people just feel an alienated "otherness". But it is a polarity shift, isn't it?

"To the ego, loving and wanting are the same, whereas true love has no wanting in it, no desire to possess or for your partner to change. The ego singles someone out and makes them special. It uses that person to cover up the constant underlying feeling of discontent, of “not enough,” of anger and hate, which are closely related. These are facets of an underlying deep seated feeling in human beings that is inseparable from the egoic state.

"When the ego singles something out and says “I love” this or that, it’s an unconscious attempt to cover up or remove the deep-seated feelings that always accompany the ego: the discontent, the unhappiness, the sense of insufficiency that is so familiar. For a little while, the illusion actually works. Then inevitably, at some point, the person you singled out, or made special in your eyes, fails to function as a cover up for your pain, hate, discontent or unhappiness which all have their origin in that sense of insufficiency and incompleteness. Then, out comes the feeling that was covered up, and it gets projected onto the person that had been singled out and made special - who you thought would ultimately “save you.” Suddenly love turns to hate. The ego doesn’t realize that the hatred is a projection of the universal pain that you feel inside. The ego believes that this person is causing the pain. It doesn’t realize that the pain is the universal feeling of not being connected with the deeper level of your being - not being at one with yourself." - Eckhart Tolle

And to this I would add, that when one feels deeply connected to the universe and Spirit, that one feels love towards all that is and all who are. Being in love with a person can open your heart to loving humanity more fully, because it opens you up to Universal Love, Christ Love, God consciousness...whatever you call it. The common experience of falling in love with more than one person, is a further reminder that we are just spirits and being 'in love' is the natural state of being. A really great meditation circle or church experience has the same effect. It can feel like you've fallen from earth into orbit, buoyant and suspended from light beams connecting you to a cradling Universe. It's like being in the womb.

Love can feel amplified and deepened when it surrounds you, when your heart blasts open, embracing all 'others' as 'same'. It would seem this state is not sustainable at full vibrational volume when problem-solving or solution-creating requires our brains to work in every day ways. Many people exercise their hearts in safe ways, like being in love with their best friends or their cats. Most people feel such a deeply profound love for their children, we could call that being 'in love'. Even having celebrity crushes, or an imaginary relationship with a lifelike blowup doll from Japan...not that I know anything about that...exercises our heart muscle, although there's no reciprocity involved there. Unless the doll is possessed ;) Ahhh!

Conscious self-loving and tree hugging are also good for the heart...What do you do for your heart?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Full Moon Mamas

It has become apparent that bringing women together, particularly in a circle, is a spiritual, connective act in itself. I know circles had went by the way of leather sheets, jeggings, pink highlights, and endangered animal bone furniture for a while. But just as shake diets, eye exercises and forced intimacy immersion therapy, have re-emerged, its time has come once again to get up close and circular.

Some women feel claustrophobic when they hear the words 'women's spirituality', as if it involves militant lesbian librarians with nose rings, cat glasses and manifestos, taking them on a long, sweaty overcrowded jeep ride full of clucking chickens and over-ripe bananas to a bleeding heart liberal American Peace Corp kibbutz in a patch of deforested Amazonian rainforest and force them to eat agave-sweetened granola and drink flying squirrel tea with their cupped hands while watching anti-Vietnam War documentaries projected on questionably unbleached sheets strung between two maypoles. The women's spirituality movement isn't political, religious, and it doesn't have to chaff. It's not cloying like 'daytime dramas' or overly-sentimental like The Cat's Meow talking fish dish or a puppy-as-the-Messiah greeting card, and it doesn't require you hold a hugging party membership card.

Women coming together to weave their wisdom, tell their stories, and participate in a shared experience can be deeply connecting. The more focused intent there is, the more magic results.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Summer of Love

Finishing up this writing project. Very exciting.

It's that beautiful late summer time of year on Cape Cod when all of the beautiful foliage just makes me want to photograph babies as fairies and elves and people getting married under oak trees and weeping willows. I want to climb trees, ride bikes and splash in the sea with my family. And feel the love.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ancient Healing Wisdom from Kathmandu and Beyond

My next guest on Healing Wisdom, this Thursday at 9am, is author of The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook as well as The Bajracharya Samhita Volume One: Ayurvedic Chikitsa Vigyana Ayurvedic Principles, Diagnosis and Treatment. The latter book compiles the knowledge of renown Ayurvedic doctor from Kathmandu, Newari Dr. Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya. Dr. Mana, came from a line of family doctors. His practice was the embodiment of 700 years of traditional medicine from Nepal. Together with his son, Mr. Tillotson, and others, they have translated Sanskrit writings, and encapsulated the great wisdom of a master herbalist and a healing tradition that encompasses mind-body-spirit health for deep healing and fantastic results.

Mr. Alan Tillotson, is an unusual practitioner, in that he has converged Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western herbal medicine into his practice. His first book, compiled wisdom from his own practice and that of his teachers, mentors and friends, including Dr. Robert Abel Jr., MD, his Chinese medical herbalist wife Nai-shing, and good friend author and former head of the USDA's botanical division, Dr. James Duke.

Listen to the podcast interview here:

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Birthing Women As Life-Bearing Portals

[Sorceress of Magical Healing Plants Polish Kupula, model Ewa. All four photos by Pandora Peoples, copyright 2012]

Women As Portals:

The unique capacity to give birth requires the opening of a portal within, which allows women to be gateways between worlds. All ancient cultures from across the globe understood the significant spiritual role women play in society, as evidenced by the countless pregnant and birthing idols, statues, pictographs, shrines, and she-la-na-gigs, figures of birthing women on Medieval churches. We can also see this concept of the sacred feminine in the mythic stories passed from generation to generation, which tell of deities giving birth to our world including Isis, Ishtar, and Grandmother Spider who weaves the web of the universe, which gives birth to life.

"Is this potion expired? Drat! You can never trust a traveling salesgoblin."

"Oh wait, it's working."

All humor aside, Ewa was a pleasure to work with. Together we braved rain and mosquitoes. Her baby's birth was a marvelous one, and her baby is one of the most intelligent, beautiful, healthy babies with bright, engaging eyes, that I have have ever seen. Babysitting that angel is pure joy.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Living In the Heart! Connecting with the Galactic Center!

[Photo by Pandora Peoples, copyright 2012, Ruby as Goddess Blodewedd]

When I discovered the Gayatri Mantra and heart mudras during my meditations nine years ago, my intuitive wisdom about my herbal clients increased ten-fold. At this point, I found myself able to give full-on psychic readings, and understand the underlying mind-body-soul roots of illness on a deeper level, which informed the herbal formulas I gave my clients. Soon afterward, I discovered Living in the Heart, by Drunvalo Melchezidek.

During the first years of channeling, I discovered that as I sent love and appreciation, gratitude and compassion to my client's soul and toward Source and to the Cosmos, I began receiving a powerful, deep LOVE, that opened my heart further. When I was in a state of higher awareness, opening up the divine wisdom and intelligence of the universe through meditation, I would ask Source to impart information that my client needed for healing at the time. Soon, I was seeing the energy of guardian angels in conjunction with these meditations, and that's when the angel dictations and communications became detailed and specific. Soon I discovered that both the heart and the third eye could get 'blown out', and that using all energy centers in the body, in giving and receiving information is ideal for me and my practice. Over the years, I have come to rely on the use of the whole energy body for 'traveling the shamanic realms'. But the heart is the home, the center of every person, the intuitive intelligence that connects soul to soul, and helps integrate our spiritual wisdom on our physical journey.

My most powerful workshops have centered around meditations that connected our hearts with the earth, the world wide web of souls, and the cosmic consciousness. I've done dozens of women's spirituality circles on the beach, where on a cloudy night when a blanket of fog covered the moon, our heart mantras (yahm, Om Maha) and flower mudras opened up a large circle of clear sky around us, exposing the full moon and dozens of stars. The most potent manifestation circles have included prayers for those outside of the circle, including birthing mothers, sick family members, and prayers for peace.

Multitasking Achievement: 'Weekend Warrior' Mom

[Photo by Pandora Peoples, Laurie as Celtic Maeve]

My son and I illustrated a whole deck of Octonauts memory cards. He's beaming and proud of our accomplishment. The Octonauts are animal rescuers that save other animals in deep sea diving expeditions. He sure knows his gups and his pods. I am furiously writing, which is a real dance with a six-year-old, who still yearns for my constant undivided attention. He's very respectful of my work with clients, but he doesn't understand when I'm glued to the computer.

He finds ever more theatrical ways to elicit my full attention and adoration. I think we snuggled for three hours last night. He's quite a sensitive water sign, he's a Cancer boy. He has a contagious smile, he's so loving and kissy, hysterically funny and delightfully insightful, but loves to pout and throw himself around in dramatic fits. Even though he stopped nursing four years ago, he attaches to me like a hugging monster and won't let go. It might be some primate mechanism to ensure I will sleep with him all night, keeping him safe and snug in the jungle.

Raising children and working at home, is a huge multitasking achievement. Especially, when you want your child to have home-cooked meals and a tidy home and a thriving garden. These things create a more cohesive environment to flourish in. Balancing being loving, compassionate, and nurturing, while cultivating independence, being firm, asserting boundaries, and being completely focused seems to require the discipline of my inner 'Weekend Warrior' Mom. She seems to be at the helm of this ship.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Healing Wisdom is My New Baby

(This is purely figurative, despite what my old picture might suggest. My metaphor has already caused some confusion. If I get all preggy, I promise an mp3 of the heart beat and an ultra sound for you people.)

Did you know that since April Healing Wisdom has spoken with:
* Onyay Pheori (violinist, tours with William Close and the Earth Harp Collective)
* Larisa Stow (singer, musician of Shakti Tribe, transformational life coach)
* Mystic Pete (author of Sex and Mysticism, KXLU DJ)
* Joseph Kwon (cellist of the Avett Brothers, Grammy nominee)
* Dr. Lisa Arnold (naturopathic physician)
* Orpheo McCord (drummer Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, Grammy winner)
* John Dumas (shamanic sound healer)
* Dr. Helen Caldicott (physician, author and speaker, one of her organizations received a Nobel Peace prize)
* Taylor Negron (film/TV actor, playwright)
* Susun Weed (author, educator, herbalist)
* James Twyman (best-selling author, filmmaker)
* Peter McGowan (musician of Finn Maccool)
* Vicki Noble (professor, shaman, author, MotherPeace tarot co-creator
* Mari Oxenberg (Certified Nurse Midwife, Birthwell owner)
* Lisa Levant (photographer, Goddess on Earth)
* Karen Vogel (artist, healer)
* Ronna Prince (filmmaker, Sacred Journey of the Heart)
* Alan Keith Tillotson (medical herbalist Alan Keith Tilottson, PHD, LAc, RH of "The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook")

Please, support me in getting the word out there about my radio show. Listen. Share. This is my new baby, folks! These episodes are podcast on

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Podcast Interview with Ronna Prince

Ronna Prince is a Radical Forgiveness Coach, HeartMath practitioner, and filmmaker of Sacred Journey of the Heart. Her film explores the indigenous wisdom of the heart from tribal elders and spiritual leaders the world over. It helps viewers discover that science is proving what people have known about the heart since ancient times. Ms. Prince is on Healing Wisdom this Thursday morning at 9am on 92.1 WOMR-FM Provincetown, 91.3 WFMR-FM Orleans, and streaming live at

Here is my interview with Ronna Prince!

Monday, August 05, 2013

Friday, August 02, 2013

Lisa Levart on Healing Wisdom

Lisa Levart writes for Huffington Post. Her photographic images of women as goddesses have been turned into an art book and her touring exhibit Goddess on Earth is in Cape Cod, this weekend. Tonight is the opening which includes the work of local artists, such as myself. It's a benefit for WAVE, Women's Avenue for Voicing Empowerment, and your $15 suggested donation includes free catered appetizers and wine. There will be a brief screening as well. Here is my Healing Wisdom interview with Ms. Levart which aired Thursday.