When I discovered the Gayatri Mantra and heart mudras during my meditations nine years ago, my intuitive wisdom about my herbal clients increased ten-fold. At this point, I found myself able to give full-on psychic readings, and understand the underlying mind-body-soul roots of illness on a deeper level, which informed the herbal formulas I gave my clients. Soon afterward, I discovered Living in the Heart, by Drunvalo Melchezidek.
During the first years of channeling, I discovered that as I sent love and appreciation, gratitude and compassion to my client's soul and toward Source and to the Cosmos, I began receiving a powerful, deep LOVE, that opened my heart further. When I was in a state of higher awareness, opening up the divine wisdom and intelligence of the universe through meditation, I would ask Source to impart information that my client needed for healing at the time. Soon, I was seeing the energy of guardian angels in conjunction with these meditations, and that's when the angel dictations and communications became detailed and specific. Soon I discovered that both the heart and the third eye could get 'blown out', and that using all energy centers in the body, in giving and receiving information is ideal for me and my practice. Over the years, I have come to rely on the use of the whole energy body for 'traveling the shamanic realms'. But the heart is the home, the center of every person, the intuitive intelligence that connects soul to soul, and helps integrate our spiritual wisdom on our physical journey.
My most powerful workshops have centered around meditations that connected our hearts with the earth, the world wide web of souls, and the cosmic consciousness. I've done dozens of women's spirituality circles on the beach, where on a cloudy night when a blanket of fog covered the moon, our heart mantras (yahm, Om Maha) and flower mudras opened up a large circle of clear sky around us, exposing the full moon and dozens of stars. The most potent manifestation circles have included prayers for those outside of the circle, including birthing mothers, sick family members, and prayers for peace.
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