Saturday, May 16, 2015

My uterus is screaming at me, I'm just not sure what it's saying. There are so many things I want to accomplish before we have more children. We dont have the infrastructure for me to be working, in school, singing with a band, while pursuing a writing career and getting back to my early love of theatre while preggers and with a toddler, plus a little boy. My uterus may be screaming at my vagina. My brain may be screaming at my uterus. But whatever is going on is definitely noisy.

I may need to go to another baby whisperer to sort it all out. It ishard to be objective about your own life sometimes. I think there are at least six babies and possibly one hundred that want to be conceived. I dont think sextuplets run in the family. Perhaps some are more patient than others. Whatever the case, I think they just like me because I come up with cool names. Getting parents and getting a name is like playing slot machines. Baby spirits are too adventurous. They can't see beyond the first few years, and if they do it's pure courage. They are like, whoah, nursing, kisses, cuddles, swaddling, every need is met, and all I do is eat, sleep and play. I cant wait, really, let me in there NOW!

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