Thanks to my time channeling angels in the last several days for clients, I have come to a realization myself that the soul's experience of growing and sharing love from the heart starts from the earliest moments of life, and that heart breaks often happen far before romantic feelings are ever exchanged. When one is brokenhearted as a child, the first time trying to grow your heart and heal again is painful, and like a flower it unfurls until an icy cold day that freezes it up, and it starts the cycle over, growing from a tiny bud....until one day, the heart is met with sunlight that shines on inside no matter what the weather, when someone reflects your own internal light and you never stop believing in it, so you can never stop seeing that reflection in others and sharing the sunlight that comes from within us, within all life and within the consciousness of the galactic heart of Great Spirit.
We've all been brokenhearted children once. As babies we are radiant beams, and soon we learn to dim our light and close ourselves off. It's always more obvious and striking when you hear someone saying "bad baby", or "you're not being very nice to cry like that". Stuff gets projected onto us immediately, and we learn to fit more or less into people's ideas about us.
Not only does the heart hold memories of getting hurt, but the heart remembers when it withheld love. Which is something humans do for many reasons, but sometimes is a masochistic way to inflict pain on oneself, because one does not feel deserving of love. There should be a some sort of Galactic Apology Center where every time you feel regretful or sad about something unthoughtful, painful or mean that you said to someone - you can meditate, sending love and healing thoughts and energy through the ethers which angels can direct towards moments in time that could use healing. Oh yeah, in essence there is a place like that in the spirit world. It can be reached through prayer, meditation, vision quest, astral travel, or channeling. We should open us a line of Spirit Travel Bar and Inns for this purpose. The beds could be like healing chambers in Asclepieion temples, and the bar can be full of oxygen and burning bay leaves and copal resin, and it can be constructed in a rocky cavern over a chasm from which we can clearly see all constellations visible from earth. And from this darkness, we will be able to hear not just the crickets and peepers of a grotto outside, but also the singing of every cricket and every peeper all over the planet vibrating in our hearts, and sense every cricket and peeper that ever was.
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