On the other hand, it's always something, right? Every generation in every century on every continent has contended with some adversity personally, locally, globally...philosophically.
Babies are people who bring wisdom from the spiritual world, help us remember who were are, and who bring wisdom to help us grow, and help make our communities evolve. Many children who are being born at this time on the planet are very special. I think they have very special abilities to heal, guide, and nurture. I think many have little fear, lots of optimism, and great adaptability. It's part of our soul's evolution to grow together as families. Children teach us about ourselves, our parents and our grandparents. We learn by teaching, and at its best parenting turns you into a more conscientious person with a wider worldview, and more compassion towards others. It's a very special relationship.
My spirit children on the other side just keep showing up, telling me that they are ready to be born. I don't know how many years I can placate them with promises of a future with us. They have been extremely patient. But when someone needs to be born NOW, you only have a certain window to play with, especially if you have your eye on astrological influences.
The votes are in. The oracles and the wise crones have been consulted. The divination has been rendered. All things considered, the babymakers are cooling their jets for another two seasons, when the winds and migratory fowl will be conjured once more. I'm checking in with the Goddess, Zeus, Saturn, Archangel Michael, the Buddha, Jesus and any other helpful spiritual presence who may have any input Mid-October for a reconvene. And perhaps next year at this time will be the magical portal opening.
It's odd to live in a country where homebirth is a luxury. It's over five thousand dollars in addition to health insurance, because health insurance doesn't cover it. After being born at home myself which has the significant affect of making it feel like the place you belong birthing, and after giving birth at home, I can't imagine anything else. Besides the expense, I have two big events coming up in May and August, and I'm in school. My herb show is probably starting at the beginning of April and I am making inventory for local retail businesses. My website needs some additions. It's good to tie up loose ends before delving into the unknowable, and pregnancy is a time of many variables. My last pregnancy was a relatively even-keeled and joyous time with lots of exercise and no complications, but it's nice to have more flexibility in your schedule in undertaking such a huge life change, if possible.
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