Drinking alcohol has the same effect on the body as drinking soda pop. Alcohol is very acidifying to the body and can contribute to the malabsorption of nutrients, contributing to osteoporosis and other symptoms of mineral and vitamin depletion. Circulation gets slowly by smoking, fat the body doesn't know what to do with, and extra calcium or fat can coat the arteries, causing poor circulation, which can lead to more lymphatic detoxification, and even heart problems. Many people who think they are healthy have heart attacks and stroke. Circulation is vital to our health, and using digestive herbs and warming circulatory herbs can really help to improve your circulation quite quickly. Circulatory herbs include herbs that tonify the heart, move the blood and regulate blood pressure. The properties of the herbs can be alterative, blood pressure lowering, blood thinning, blood sugar-lowering and diaphoretic. These herbs include cinnamon, angelica, cayenne pepper, Siberian ginseng, hawthorn berries, bilberry, and ginger.
Mystic Paneurysms, Pan-fried Divinations, and Momtastic Pansophy

Sunday, April 27, 2014
The Shocking Truth About Coffee
Drinking alcohol has the same effect on the body as drinking soda pop. Alcohol is very acidifying to the body and can contribute to the malabsorption of nutrients, contributing to osteoporosis and other symptoms of mineral and vitamin depletion. Circulation gets slowly by smoking, fat the body doesn't know what to do with, and extra calcium or fat can coat the arteries, causing poor circulation, which can lead to more lymphatic detoxification, and even heart problems. Many people who think they are healthy have heart attacks and stroke. Circulation is vital to our health, and using digestive herbs and warming circulatory herbs can really help to improve your circulation quite quickly. Circulatory herbs include herbs that tonify the heart, move the blood and regulate blood pressure. The properties of the herbs can be alterative, blood pressure lowering, blood thinning, blood sugar-lowering and diaphoretic. These herbs include cinnamon, angelica, cayenne pepper, Siberian ginseng, hawthorn berries, bilberry, and ginger.
Spring Clean Your Body
I've been saying this for ten years, but I will keep saying it. Many people have the perception that their guts are just pounds of fat layers. That it's all skin somehow. While eating wheat does put fat layers around your vital organs, and stomach, a lot of weight is actually in their un-evacuated intestines. Yards of digesting or stagnating foods are backing up most Americans. The general perception that having a bowel movement once a day is all anyone could ever want, may not be serving everyone's best interest. By drinking plenty of water, limiting caffeine and doing yoga poses, like wind removing pose, and stretches which incorporate twisting at the waist, a person is likely to have at least two bowel movements. The more the body utilizes food, the less waist. Also, fiber is very important in cleansing the body and keeping it regular. It takes at least 10 glasses of water, plus tons of fiber from fresh vegetables and fruits to lower cholesterol and keep the bowels moving properly so that waste and debris can be properly carried out by the cells, gallbladder, bile ducts, liver, kidneys, and ultimately eliminated in the urine and feces.
Over the years I have encountered many constipated clients. There are lots of ways to cleanse the body, including drinking aloe juice, drinking ho shou wu, dandelion root, and in more severe cases, turkey rhubarb, senna leaves with fresh ginger and honey, or reishi and milk thistle. You want to use bitter herbs and herbs which stimulate the flow of bile before using something which causes peristalsis. The smell of the feces reflects your diet. Often dairy can cause too much dampness in the body, and as a result can cause fowl sometimes sweetly pungent eliminations. Coffee can cause the bowls to be loose, and produces more gas in your system, which can contribute to odor as well. Many people cover up their bodily smells with cologne or perfume, which may coat their mucous membranes to a point where they do not even observe the signs their bodies are giving them. Any unpleasant (non-pheromone, onion or garlic) odor coming from the body is a good indication that you need to take care of an issue.
I'm giving a workshop on Spring Cleaning Your Body, for Women's Night at the Dennisport Natural Market, in Cape Cod, on Thursday May 8th at 7pm. There will be free weight loss products and a demo from ReserveAge, a talk on mind-body weight loss and detox by yours truly, and I will be giving mini psychic readings, so sign up today. Contact me at pandora@pandorapeoples.com
Saturday, April 26, 2014
On Pheromones and the Evils of Cologne
A Side Note on Pheromones:
It has been scientifically proven in studies that women on birth control pills can not sense genetic compatibility with sexual partners, because their bodies are hormonally tricked into a state of perpetual pregnancy. When women are pregnant, the ability to smell a genetically compatible mate stops working. Presumably, this is because you no longer need to attract a compatible partner, because you've found one and he has done his job. For this reason, I always recommend single women meet their partners off the pill. On the other hand, you can't rely on pheromones to keep you level-headed either. Hormones are intoxicating and can cloud your judgment. So, don't let those jailbird pen pals of yours send you any cologne-scented postcards or seamen samples, please. Seamen is a powerful anti-depressant, but it can't make up for a lonely Christmas at the Ihop with your boo locked up in Sing Sing. Seaman's profile includes testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, luteinizing hormone and prostaglandins. Female ejaculation has a similar effect and composition, although the very existence of female ejaculatory is still contested by some*. I'm pretty sure lesbians have a lot to say on the matter and can attest to the benefits of female fluids. Is it the true nectar of the Gods?
Confusingly, many lotions, perfumes and colognes have added hormones these days. So, I wonder if there's a bait and switch happening during the first phase of some relationships. Cologne is the Cyrano de Bergerac of olfactory wooing. So, watch out, because you may not be falling in love with your partner, but some horny bull (taurine), dead deer, or other mysterious hormone doner somewhere. The Fragrance Industry is big business. It's a 5.1 billion dollar industry. Forget cupid's bow, they know how to pull the wool over your nose, and might even be able to get you punch drunk in-love. I once fell in love with someone's manufactured scent, and it was a complete disaster. Put that scent on a taxidermied owl, and people will try to fornicate with it. It's easy for your intuition to get a concussion surfing the waves of hormonal intoxication. Your brain doesn't care that the dude or dudette is physically abusive, emotionally abusive, a convicted felon, a rich gambler who buys prostitutes, a lying stripper with five kids from different men, or has a dubious history. Your brain is chemically reacting and you're seeing a knight in shining armor or a princess in distress. Endorphins are flowing. You can't think straight. And you don't want to.
No one from Athena Home Novelties can give me a straight answer about where they get their pheromones from. Athena products boast that all of their products from shaving cream to lip gloss contain "pheromones". Yet, their source for these pheromones remains a mystery. Their attitude is ancient Greek to me. Who cares what muscular, bulging, sweaty animal is putting the spice back in your bedroom? And maybe they are right. Still, I feel like I should know whose hormones I'm rubbing on my cooch with this clit-plumping balm, don't you think? When I asked if it was from an animal, Agent 69 was appalled, "Of course not!" Can you be a vegan and still lather yourself in glandular goodies that could have been collected in concentration-like conditions from trafficked Malaysian workers? I mean, seriously, where does this stuff come from? Is it free trade? Are monks involved? Sweaty guys in a gym? Multi-orgasmic tantric priestesses? Inquiring minds want to know.
And not to get too technical or anything, but isn't Athena the Goddess of war? Wouldn't one of her characteristics be building the muscle of restraint? Wouldn't Aphrodite or Venus be a more appropriate Goddess to name a sex toy company after? Aren't they a little easier, a little more submissive, a little more yielding? Wouldn't Athena be able to withstand the advances of throngs of tan, glistening, half-naked, chainmail-clad warriors, with bulging arms and pecs? After all, isn't it She who commanded the troupes and led the armies to battle? Did she really have time to horse around? Wouldn't she have built up a tolerance to hulking, testosterone-fueled, Adonic beauties? The statue says it all.
* The existence of female ejaculation is even contested, despite proof from scientific studies and reports from women themselves. Unfortunately, much of women's sexual experience has been dismissed, because it is not part of the perfunctory machinations of procreation. It's also harder to study female sexual response in laboratory conditions, because of the nature of women's brain-vagina connection. (Thanks Naomi Wolf.) Female ejaculation has been dismissed by the scientific community for many decades as vaginal lubrication or stress urinary incontinence, probably because it can occur before or during female orgasm. And often doctors who acknowledge its existence presume it's sole function is found in it's anti-microbial properties. Why can't it be part of the a hormonal bonding experience, or a kind of release which fully de-stresses the body and promotes a boosting in the immune system? Why can't pleasure be part of evolution? I think there are some fundamentally sexist and possibly some religious biased beliefs preventing an out-dated predominantly male scientific community, who still has a problem admitting that the g-spot even exists, from accepting something that women themselves have known about their bodies, probably since the dawn of time.
Om Boob: The Vodka-Boob Connection and Breast Health
So, I'm thinking a lot about breasts lately, because I'm trying to understand mine. My own recent masses disappeared but were followed by the 'appearance' of what now seem to be blocked milk ducts. I nursed for two years and three months, but have had milk come and go since I stopped nursing. I still get the "let down" sensation when I hear babies crying, where my breasts tingle and I feel ready to nurse. My breasts seem to respond the same way to the emotions of others. When someone cries in my presence I produce milk. So, now, I've got these blocked milk ducts under my nipple, that when massaged properly are expelling small amounts of milk four and a half years after I expected to.
Breasts are sponges. The mammary glands literally absorb things from our environments, which is why breast cancer is quite high, especially in the Mashpee area, where the ground water has been very polluted. It's by a military base, and there's a radar beam which runs through the town. It's also close to the power plant. Health depends of the quality of air, water, and food, as well as the emotional and mental environment you live in. Mammary glands absorb toxicants. We know this because when breast tumors are examined, dissected, and analyzed scientists have found that plastics (including BPAS which are found in plastic food containers, the linings of cans, and receipts) and other man-made chemicals are a large part of their composition. We also know that the chemicals from toilet boil deodorizers and perchlorate (a chemical found in jet engine cleaning fluid) are both found in mother's milk. Years before I became pregnant with my son, I began hovering over toilet seats and avoiding all contact with bathroom anything. I was the pick-up-a-paper-towel-before-opening-the-bathroom-door kind of woman. The idea that my mammary glands could be filled with cancer-causing chemicals made me very cautious. I threw out all make-up that wasn't 100 percent natural. I started juicing, eating tons of salads, walking a lot, doing aerobic exercise to videos at home with my mom, and got in touch with my body.
Thankfully, we also know that our bodies are constantly shifting. The medical community has accepted that uterine fibroids come and go, shrink and expand, often time quickly in women's bodies. What else shifts quickly? You hear of people healing themselves with prayer and powerful positive energy all of the time. Many clients have come to me following traditional treatment for breast cancer, and some have come to me with lumps suspecting that these were tumors, which I treated with herbal tea, angel work and shamanic healings, after which masses have disappeared.
Breasts are such a part of female identity and effect the way people relate to us. People associate them with being womanly, nurturing, sensual, motherly, and many men flat out only find women with large breasts attractive. People respond to boobs, that's why they are photoshopped in every magazine to be rounder, perkier, smoother, larger. Over the years mine have fluctuated in size, shape, and texture. My relationship to them has also changed after having a baby. When you lactate, if you nurse, they become engorged in milk, quite round. When my son was six week old, my breasts were large hard balls. I couldn't stop nursing for more than three or four hours or they would ache. In fact, even after 'round-the-clock nursing patterns, I had really bad mastitis a few times. These involved painful inflammations which manual massage, hot water, herbal packs, and heating pads didn't cure. It wasn't until I discovered nursing my baby upside down and over my shoulder (where I was lying down), that his little chin pushed into the spot that needed to be stimulated to release blocked milk. By the time I was threw with being a nursing machine, my boobs were spent, my vital force was gone and all of the fat tissues had been converted to milk. My nipples looked sad, and surely Maria Shriver would have considered me "damaged goods". It took a long time before I related to them in a sensual way again. I was like, "Don't touch them. You're reminding me of [our son]".
I have a theory about the link between hard alcohol and breasts. When I went through my honeymoon with vodka, where it was literally the first thing I had for breakfast (mixed with cherry juice), I had cleavage. So much so that my boyfriend's friends' would comment on them. At that time I also had a soft spot for mole burritos, and large margaritas. But, through the vodka honeymoon which lasted a number of months my breasts were quite different. Mammary glands absorb toxicants. It would make sense of alcohol made breast tissue swell up. Alcohol makes lymph nodes swell up and the belly swell up.
For the record, most natural and organic products have chemicals known to cause cancer. In fact, my friend called me up today with a new detox product. Wraps which contain a bunch of wonderful herbs, but also a lot of harmful preservatives. There are good products out there, but you've got to be really careful. Everyone calculates their own risk. It is helping her to lose weight effectively without making dietary changes. Drinking water improves digestion and metabolism too though. Most people could lose weight just by breathing more deeply and drinking a gallon of pure water a day. Living stressed out in fear is at least are harmful to our immune systems as toxic chemicals themselves are. However, the lymphatic system is easily put off balance. Acidic conditions caused by the consumption of sugar, wheat, caffeine, tobacco, dairy, processed meat, preservatives and dyes are all bad news for your immune system which is responsible for keeping damaged cells in check. The tests doctors give often don't reveal problems until your body is already struggling to keep above water. Especially when it comes to the endocrine system.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Because They Were On Sale
On Tuesday, I felt a mild pressure in my uterus. On Wednesday I woke up with aching knees. I thought the knee pain was due to the pink Converse I had bought to feel like a hipster. And because they were on sale. I was like, this is why I wear heels damnit! By the early afternoon, my uterus was sounding an alarm. I worried it was a baby-sized fibroid, but hoped it was from orgasming too much. I know, first world problems. Whatever it was, I thought "this is bad news". Then, my ankles swelled up like I had gotten the gout from Damiano's doughy Pizza. They were so swollen you could stick a fork in them. And in fact I did. Not really, but I was able to push my thumb into my swollen ankle to make a nice lasting impression. What is happening, God? Whenever I get scared shitless I consult my Father Who Art in Heaven. Is my immune system going kabluey on me? By the time my class rolled around I was a mess. And then, something amazing happened. We danced.
Tracey Crowell, my co-teacher, took us through a journey of wild, tribal, ecstatic dance. And my body moved exactly how it wanted to, with little intervention from my mind. In fact, it was the most free my body had ever moved in my life. We don't know what liberation is. Without ecstatic dance and group singing, we don't know what group synergy is. We think, because all day we chat on the phone to our friends that we are connecting on some deep level. But, we're not doing each other any favors by listening to each other whine about how much things suck. Bitching and moaning can have its place in release, but if you wanna go deep, you've gotta move and make noise. You've gotta vibrate with the earth, the moon, and the stars, with water molecules, with the the lion, the mouse, the beaver, the orangutan. In every culture, people have come together to celebrate, to heal, to share, to connect, to be. And we isolate ourselves, with labels, ideas, and trick ourselves into the sensation of separateness and disconnection. Most think if they have a partner or their family and status emblems, they are done. But what about community? What about global consciousness? What about connecting to spirit, connecting to the collective heart and soul, through sound and movement? Now that's the path to bliss and evolution.
It's something we have to strive for. To be daring enough to be our authentic selves. To discover the parts of ourselves that lay dormant, to find out what our voices do when no one tells them what do to. To find out what our bodies do, when our brains don't instruct. Liberation is freedom from judgment. Freedom from fear. I shook and gyrated close to the floor. I jumped and I pumped my arms and I let my body do the talking. Sensual movement is wonderful, but dance can transcend all of it, encompass all types of consciousness simultaneously. It makes living on earth make sense. Striving to achieve authenticity is what life is all about. After moving in ways that released my tension, emotions, and pain, after hooping and hollering, by the end of class, I had no pain. No soreness. Just bliss running through my veins.
I took action. Today, I drank Earl Grey instead of coffee. I stopped using make-up with chemicals. I started drinking diuretic and uterine tonic herbs. I've been eating salads all day. And, when my heart feels blocked, I'm pushing through it. I know what my breasts feel like expressing milk, so I am using those channels to release sadness and heartache. It goes back through the years, back through childhood abandonment, back through ancestral adversity and hardships. I'm cleaning my blood and I'm savoring each moment. Life's too short to follow the for sale signs.
That's a metaphor. Cheap stuff can be the best. You know what I mean.
In other countries, people's lips and mouths make love to words. We have puritan lips in America. Pensive, reserved, tight, afraid-to-be-engorged-with-blood-lips. So, people get injected with collagen, so their lips can be in-heat for them. What kind of poetry does a mouth make with a cow's ass?
After teaching class tonight, I felt like my car was floating on a lotus flower all the way home. Better than the time I ate mushrooms in Joshua Tree, and had to use my vagina to drive us back to the hotel. That was hard work, and I didn't think we'd make it. So, I revved it up, and put my engine is hyper-speed. Anyone ever drive one of those all-terrain vehicles up over a clusterfuck of boulders? They made it look so fucking easy on the commercial.
My husband was laughing at the Gods, his mouth wide open like a Mayan hieroglyph. Turning into a cosmic Bandito with a tattooed face mask, his eyeballs doing acrobatics, he leaned into me. His dimensions colliding with mine. Hypnotizing me with his aura, sucking me into his Dutch angle batcave-existance. "You're part skeleton girl. Half of you is completely dead already. But you already knew that." "Dusting off old barfly-gothic-tripper pick-up lines? You still know we're already married, right? Get thee back to thy Batcave." "Not a problem," he said wide-eyed, before peeling with laughter, his tongue eating the stars through the invisible roof.
We were in the backseat, while my curvy, Blonde-haired, Amazonian pal grew four arms and four hands. For a woman who had never grown extra appendages, she was doing pretty good. We were driving between the lines, and seemed to be in forward motion. Better than the first attempt, when the car wasn't actually on. She's the kind of lady with a Navajo peace mantra quilted into her soul. Like a matrioshka doll, a home to her sisters. But, this was New Years Eve and not the best time to be observed driving far below the speed limit. Her boyfriend's frenetic mad scientist yelps, were like hysteria wrapped in bemused self-awareness. He was very zen, with his geeky glasses, his gaunt macrobiotic cheekbones and balding head. Bucking in his seat and jerking his body, he birthed pithy oracular ramblings. I felt like I was at the Salem witch trials. So, that's when my yoni decided to drive us back.
Ever seen the Sci-Fi show "Farscape"? In that show there is a living ship, a fusion of plant, animal, and machine. I pictured my uterus growing, enveloping the sports utility vehicle and becoming one with it. My pink wet labia turned inside out, wrapping around the car tires, sprouting cactus thorns for tread. As my friend began freaking out that her many hands were turning numb and becoming immobilized, the car slowed. Uh Oh. With each revolution of my labia propelling us closer and closer to our destination, we gradually accelerated and reached the speed limit. We may have entered into a vulva portal on our expedition, traversing a wrinkle in Labia Minor. "It's working! My vagina is driving the car guys!!" "Really, I thought I was?" "Hallelujah, we're gonna make it after all!"
Now, that's taking backseat driving to a new level. Soon, we were back in the parking lot in front of two glass doors leading to our elevator. Of course, no one knew how to park the car. No one wanted to get out, but I had to pee really bad, so I bolted. No vaginas were harmed during the transformation, but every now and then, when the moon is full, I can sense that my vagina wants to take a ride through the desert. Well, that would be one way to deal with a vagina that's like Ms. Pacman.
More on the breast orgasm later...it involves stimulating the circulation-sex meridian.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
My husband has suggested that our Bunny might be Bulgarian, as there are a few grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and he insists that wind chimes don't clack in the US because they are not made of wood. Maybe Bulgarian Bunny is actually Up-in-the-Wee-Hours-of-the-Morning-Bunny, trying not to think loudly enough to wake up the sleeping telepathic little boy. Hero is correcting the mistakes, saying, "Oh this little bunny is so cute" as he proofreads.
Hero is so telepathic, he answers people's inner unspoken thoughts out loud. For example, when my friends babysit, they notice that he replies to things they are thinking but decide against saying. If I catch myself thinking too loudly, I say "stop listening" in mind head, and he says, "What?" out loud. It always cracks me up. I try to be covert about my inner thoughts, like at bedtime, when he takes a while to sleep and my mind wonders. My technique is like wrapping up my thoughts in space age material to avoid letting any heat escape my body so his 'infrared' cannot detect me. He still wants to sleep next to me every night, but when he was a baby, the only way I could get him to sleep because he nursed to sleep until last week, was to bring my heart rate and all vital signs down to a snails pace, so that he thought I was in a very very deep sleep. I always pretended to be dead growing up, so I had years and years of practice to outwit my cunning and co-dependent toddler.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
If Your Body Could Talk, It Might Just Give You Dirty Looks
After finding some fibrous tissue in my breasts, I've been thinking about how my breasts feel about my pink "Soulmate" nail polish. I'm pretty sure they're glaring at me every time I put on foundation or lipstick that's not from Gabriel Cosmetics, or some other mineral-based, chemical-free company. Benzoin, formaldehyde, and parabens, are among just some of the cancer-causing agents found in these everyday products. And perfume contains hormone-disrupting, DNA-damaging, invaginating-your-cell-membrane-toxicants. Diluted essential oils are quite healing though, and you can create your own perfumes with floral, musky and earthy notes. For example, use jasmine, rose geranium, or ylang ylang (floral), with sandalwood (musky), and a bit of vetiver or frankincense (earthy).
In the thirties Bay Rum was a very popular scent for men. That cologne was made from the bay tree. The essential oil is still available today. It's a very spicy masculine scent which also stimulates hair growth and can slow male pattern baldness. Look to your mother's father to know your predisposition for that. Some men loose hair, because of their mineral or vitamin deficiency, slowed digestive tract, spending too much time in a sauna, and/or not stimulating new hair growth with proper brushing/combing/tapping. Alcohol is very acidifying to the body. Alcohol increases the chance of hair loss, as does the regular use of tight hats. So, if you are losing hair already, try to avoid wearing baseball caps or other hats with synthetic fibers. Your scalp needs to breathe.
The next time you reach for Obsession (or Eternity), ask, what would your boobs (or prostate) do?
Thursday, April 17, 2014
New Testimonial for Shamanic Soul Retrieval
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Vintage Trouble is coming to Provincetown for a WOMR Benefit!!
...to drive to Ptown July 11th to see these sassy dapper gentleman rockers...
...with a ticket from here: https://www.facebook.com/events/763102803714220/
Check 'em out...
"Why you tryin to stay still, when the groove is movin? Tell me what's the point, what the hell are you provin? Let the beat get in your body. Stop tryin to fight now, start to rattle your shaker. That's it, all right now. One, two, three, push your pelvis with me. I said, one, two, three, push your pelvis with me."
I've often wondered this, when I'm one of a few people dancing in a group of hundreds of people. But, it aint gonna be like that this night. Oh no!
Even if they don't take their beatnik jazz gogo dancers with them you still get James Brown happy feet, Little Richard crescendos and hoots, music that evokes early R&B, and the Wild West/Turn-of-the-century-London-derby-hat-clad-cuteness and retro-60s-suaveness of this delightful band!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Scrying Your Own Books, and Then Scrying Other Peoples'
My client's grandfather wanted her to scry Timothy Leary. This is what she found:
“Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the “normal people” as they go about their automatic existences. For every time you say club passwords like “Have a nice day” and “Weather’s awful today, eh?”, you yearn inside to say forbidden things like “Tell me something that makes you cry” or “What do you think deja vu is for?”. Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past your cubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others…” ― Timothy Leary
WOMR Pledge Drive and Healing Wisdom This Week
Past guests have included: nuclear activist and physician Dr. Helen Caldicott, international best-selling author and activist Naomi Wolf, NY Times best selling author James Twyman, actor and playwright Taylor Negron, shaman author Sandra Ingerman, professor of philosophy, religion, anthropology, and psychiatric medicine Dr. Roger Walsh, herbalist Dr. Allan Keith Tillotson, author educator Susun Weed, herbalist author Lesley Tierra, author and professor of anthropology Vickie Noble, Suppressed Histories Archives founder Max Dashu, poet Lamont B. Steptoe, graphic designer Dame Darcy, and so many more unique people with interesting perspectives. We don't have to agree on everything. So much of the joy of life is seeing life through others' eyes and trying on new perspectives. Ideas are just ideas. Spirit is all that truly matters. Life is a dance of consciousness, individualism and collective conscience. If Healing Wisdom has opened people's minds or hearts even one iota, it's done its job. Support Community Radio!!
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