This picture reminds me of a French film from the 60s where there's suddenly a dreamlike tableaux or "series of shots" which seems confusing and out of context. Part dogma, part maude. But the poetic French voice over makes it all okay.
Mais que dire de son imagination? Où était son comeuppance? Pourrait-elle retrouver, dans la stérilité de son monde de banlieue? Voudrait-elle? Son cœur était auxiliaire à son bonheur. Comme tirer un as de pique d'une diseuse de bonne aventure gitane, était son sort de ses mains? Destin a été perdu avec la mer n'est plus une toile de fond pour ses crimes et des craintes? La mer, la mer .... un vieil ami familier, dont elle serait coupée pendant la durée de son humble existence. "
English subtitles read: But what of her imagination? Where was her comeuppance? Could she find it again, in the sterility of her suburban world? Would she want to? Her heart was auxiliary to her happiness. Like pulling a Ace of Spades from a gypsy fortune teller, was her fate out of her hands? Was destiny lost with the sea no longer a backdrop for her crimes and misgivings? The sea, the old familiar friend, from whom she would be severed for the duration of her humble existence."
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