IWD is not a form of birth control, and it's not a synonym for the akashic records of Hollywood films, it stands for International Women's Day...
Mari Oxenberg, CNM, CPM, owner of Birthwell LA is using an article I wrote on breastfeeding in her educational packet for expectant mothers: Hurray!
Here's what an old friend who discovered it said: "I absolutely love that your breastfeeding article is in my Birthwell binder from Mari. You have come such a long way from those first moments of being a reluctant pregnant mama to the force of empowered knowledge in motherhood and creating your own paradigm. You have always been an inspiration, love." Lifts the icy spirits! Gonna keep writing...
Looking forward to a new goddess shoot this Tuesday. This time it's herbalist Anya Messina, a past guest on Healing Wisdom, as the Greek goddess nymph of snow Kione. I'm thinking: I wanna get that contemplative sernity of Winter conveyed but also that German Expressionist sulky distopian circus act energy with a shot of ennui, an umbrella of madness, and a twist of surrealism with a sugar cube of dadaism.
Mystic Paneurysms, Pan-fried Divinations, and Momtastic Pansophy

Thursday, February 26, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
What McYoga and Repulsion Have in Common
Bikram, "aka" Boss, had saved my overweight husband from his potbelly and a life with perpetual back problems, gout and no flexibility. He had brought my husband from being a stinky man with no focus and yellow toenails, to being a goal setter with a six-pack and healthy blue-white nails. My husband was eliminating every morning and drinking two gallons of water a day! He also brought my husband prestige as a beloved yoga teacher, who the ladies threw themselves at in spite of the fact or because he wore girly yoga pants every day to work. Because of Bikram's teacher training, my husband was able to help many students who lacked mobility and had pain. One student who literally crawled into class after an accident, credited my husband with his ability to walk again. Bikram was a godsend. And, to this day the benefits continue. Bikram is credited by hundreds of celebrities for bouncing them back from poor health. He had reversed gangrene in legs that would have been amputated and helped people live past their ETAs at the Pearly Gates. A guy who had been in Special Ops, who propelled down a wall and shattered "every bone in his body" told my husband that it was Bikram's yoga that healed his bones and allowed him to walk again. How could this man who had saved so many people's lives be a sexual predator?
After reading some of the accusations, I am more than inclined to believe the claims.
Reading about the crumbling reputation of the Bikram empire, led me to reading the 1977 court transcript of testimony against director Roman Polanski. As someone who was sexually abused as a child by authority figures whom she feared, I am disappointed in the Hollywood machine for supporting this guy. By his own admission he had sex with a 13-year-old girl. Her dreams of being a model, shouldn't have given him a license to sexually exploit her. In my opinion, and the Law's, a 13 year-old-girl is not capable of sexual consent regardless of her behavior. I was a horny 13, internally lusting after (really nice and mostly appropriate) teachers twice my age, but I had been sexually abused. This girl didn't drug and seduce him whereupon he relented in a powerless moment. He wasn't a physically weak, mentally vulnerable, unintimidating milkman she dragged through the backdoor, before pouncing on him and groping him mercilessly. There is not even the faintest shade of gray here.
This child was drugged, bullied, intimidated, and said "No" over and over again. Why would people support someone who did this to a child? Perhaps because Hollywood is rampant with the sexual exploitation of girls and young women? Young previously exploited women and girls start off playing prostitutes and giving head for opportunities to die in horror films. It seems to be an initiation into the domination and abuse of power by the Boys' Club, if you track the career trajectories of the majority of leading and lesser known actresses. Hard to believe there are so many opportunities to play the ho. Are each of these supporters pardoning their own predatory behavior or are they a victim in denial who has justified the abuse they suffered? Or, are these supporters like me with Bikram before I woke up? 'But, this man is a godsend'. Repulsion and The Tenant are great films. So, what? Talent doesn't justify murder and it shouldn't justify sexual abuse. Rape wounds the psyche, subjugates girls and women, is used in war to traumatize and destroy morale, and has been the primary tool of the patriarchy.
If things are gonna change for the better, we gotta be willing to rock the boat.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Gracious Wild
"In a gripping memoir-narrative, Stacey Couch takes us on an unforgettable and seamless journey from the Dream World to the Real World, from the Scientific World to the Hawk World, from urbanity to wildness. Along the way, we become enthralled by the magic of synchronicity and the joy of spirit mirrors. In the madness of this modern world that we live in, I found *Gracious Wild* to be a gentle oasis of joyous and uplifting sanity."
- Jon Turk, author of *The Raven's Gift: A Scientist, A Shaman, and their Remarkable Journey Through the Siberian Wilderness*
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Pandora's Jukebox Took Flight at 9pm ET - We're Way Out There
A vast majority of people may not fully realize the implications of the startling true fact that DJs at commercial radio stations do not choose the music. A giant robotic alien spaceship in the sky decides the top 40 hits based on record label interns' physiological responses to music videos. Combinations of songs are based on algorithms from reflex responses and data mined from FB comments, people's private jokes and focus groups led by reptilian newscasters. It's one of those things most people don't think about. Unless they dreamed they were on acid writing a Madlib and eating quesadillas with broccoli sprouts in their tighty whities at the somnambulatory witching hour. The hypnotic formula is chosen for them. Technicians run the show and a canned script is put in front of them, whereas DJs at community radio stations create their own entirely individual and eclectic music program, often spontaneously, while running the soundboard and all the festivities themselves. Real Radio for Real People. The Momlogues and Musings of Cape Cod here. If you click "station archive", next on the "22" square, followed by "Pop Life/Northern Trawl/Pandora's Jukebox" you can hear my Laryngitis show from Sunday. By midnight I was warmed up. It's a long cold ride to the station, and the Old School House ghosts can have a chilling effect. One tried to ride home with me, and if he didn't look like a shadowy Wolverine with talons resting on the passenger window, I would have been really creeped out. But superheroes are my friends. They are part of America's spiritual center, our American Psyche's answer to shamanism. Why should Wolverine creep out an American Psychic?
And in other news, The Goddess is trending. Everyone from Naomi Wolf to Christiane Northrup are in the know. Goddess consciousness is what people, and especially women need to be happy, healthy, timeless and fulfilled individuals. I don't care who likes it or lumps it, I'm going to finish my goddess book. Even if I have been embodying Grandmother Turtle, and only intermittently working on it, I'm okay with where I am. I bring a lot of invisible companions to the party. It's a kind of orchestration of voice/s, personal memoir, and comedy inspired by muses too numerous and improbable to relate here. I still have hope. My goddess book will see the light.
My Playlist. Click on 9-12pm Pandora's Jukebox for my playlist.
Friday, February 20, 2015

Sunday March 8th 2015
24 hrs of IWD programming on Cape Cod Community Radio. Streaming at http://womr.org
Midnight - 3am Women’s Voices with Mardi Steinau & Paige Riley ♪
3:00 - 6:00am Great Singers & Writers with Catherine Graciano ♪
6:00 - 6:30am Goddess Chants with Jaia Wise ♪
6:30 - 7:30am Dinah Mellin interviews composer Canary Burton + Celtic ♪
7:30 - 8:30am Herstory with Food - Michelle Crone with Guest Recipes
8:30 - 9:00am Uke Playing - Mary Martin interviews Victoria Vox + ♪
9:00 - 10:00am Caregiver Support - Diana Fabbri talks with Dr. Molly Purdue + ♪
10:00 - 10:30am Michelle C & Shira Kavon discuss Pulitzer winner Susan Glaspell
10:30 -11:30pm Gender Identity Round Table & Z Budapest’s Women in History
11:30pm – noon Tarot Readings with Pandora Peoples - Call In with Your Qs
12:00 - 1:00pm Opera Betty with Susan Blood ♪
1:00 - 2:00pm Who’s That Singer? with Char Priolo♪
2:00 - 3:00pm Jeannette de Beauvoir reads from her new novel “Asylum” + ♪
3:00 - 4:00pm Play Reading hosted by Catherine Graciano
4:00 - 5:00pm Year of the Real Girl - DJ Blastranada – Rock ♪
5:00 - 6:00pm Denya LeVine hosts Live Music with Local Women ♪
6:00 - 8:00pm Latin & World Music with Sandra Hemeon-McMahon ♪
8:00 - 9:00pm Women in Conflict Zones with Jeannette de Beauvoir
9:00 -11:00pm The Kitchen Sink - International Jazz with Deborah K ♪
11:00 - Midnight The late Dorothy Parker reads her poetry and prose
DRUM CIRCLE @ THE DAVIS SPACE 494 Commercial Street in Provincetown. Open to the Public
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Women in Public Office on Healing Wisdom
Women of various faiths, political persuasions, ethnicities, countries and backgrounds can come together to create resolutions and draft treaties that serve the better good, with relative ease. The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom has been able to do things governments cannot during times of tension and even war. It's been proven that the more women there are holding positions in public office, the more women's issues are addressed, and the more legislature is passed to address these issues. Issues of inequality effect our whole society. Across the board, women are statistically less inclined to turn to violence, and create alternatives to war and punishing systems. It's statistically proven that when you increase the ratio of women in public office, conditions for women are improved over all. Domestic violence, sexual abuse, et cetera are decreased. The general misogynistic attitudes that have been reigning these past 4,000 are measurably decreased!!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Power Struggle Yoga
Will it Be Power Struggle Yoga or Kundalini Yoga Over the Winter Vacation for You?
Most people on Cape Cod seem to be over Valentine's Day, because of how commercial it has become. People rebelling against the manipulative consumerist propaganda of the day warms my heart. Having the attitude of 'I don't need a stupid day to express that I love you when I show you every day' is commendable. Personally, I think it is nice to have a holiday devoted to love and romance. Can we have too many days of celebration? Wiccans have eight holidays including Beltane for lovers when they make love in the fields and jump over bonfires together.

Most people on Cape Cod seem to be over Valentine's Day, because of how commercial it has become. People rebelling against the manipulative consumerist propaganda of the day warms my heart. Having the attitude of 'I don't need a stupid day to express that I love you when I show you every day' is commendable. Personally, I think it is nice to have a holiday devoted to love and romance. Can we have too many days of celebration? Wiccans have eight holidays including Beltane for lovers when they make love in the fields and jump over bonfires together.

It's a bit too cold to make love in the snow, but there are always cars...If that's too uncomfortable, there are a lot of painless ways to celebrate in the warmth of your home. Cook a special meal. Sprinkle sesame or culinary hemp seeds onto a seared Ahi steak. These seeds are mood-lifting. To get your aphrodisiacs in, add 1 tbsp. of maca powder or a dropper full of saw palmetto extract to a molé sauce or hot coco. Surround your bathroom with candles and draw a bath for your lover with 10-30 drops of sandalwood or rose oil. Add rose petals around the tub and to your tub. Read or recite a poem written or chosen for lover by the crackling fire in the fireplace with some Pinot Noir. A plush white rug or leopard print throw will get you closer to the fire. Offer a massage, starting with the feet, neck, or hands. Use coconut, olive, or jojoba as a carrier oil. Throw in several drops of an essential oil like ylang ylang or jasmine if you have them laying around. Or, if all of those activities sound too forced or cliché, you can always turn off all the lights and grunt and stalk one another like mating elk in the woods.
There are so many ways to enjoy each other. As a culture we probably hold too many expectations on what it should be and how it should be delivered to us. Often, I have heard women complaining that their husband's don't remember to get them anything for Valentine's Day. Feeling over-looked and under-appreciated sucks, but try miscarrying on Valentine's Day. Now, that's a really awkward and emotionally painful way to start off your Valentine's Day. That said, fretting about being overlooked on V-Day is still legitimate. Feelings don't compare themselves to one another. It's hard to lessen one's pain by putting it in perspective in your own emotional timeline. Often my clients will tell me they had happy childhoods compared to other people they know, why are they so upset and traumatized by x, y, and z. Well, we've only experienced our lives, and our emotional range runs the spectrum of human emotion, despite what events do or don't take place in our lives. An adult who was physically abused to the point of having Dissociative Identity Disorder may have unimaginable emotional reflexes, to a person whose wealthy workaholic family was emotionally distant, but when it comes to feelings they are intense.
So, here’s my advice for the pain of feeling overlooked or neglected by your lover. Boy or girl, buy your partner flowers and tell them what you emotionally need and want in advance. If your partner is satisfying you with reciprocity in the bedroom, initiating and cultivating intimacy by making yourself feel sexy and sharing those feelings with your partner will elicit the response and attention you crave. Wooing is a two-way street. Looking to others to make us feel wanted doesn't always work. Sometimes, when we get the attention we want we aren't able to recognize it at the time, if inside we feel that we do not deserve it. "Waiting to be Wooed" and "Resting Bitch Pose" might appear to be the same avatar or game piece in the Power Struggle Yoga game board of our lives. Be the "Tantric Seducer" and see where it takes you. Treat your self to chocolate, something sexy (men look to male strippers or rock stars if you need help with that one) and some sandalwood or jasmine oil.
Historical Valentine's Day footnote. In the Middle Ages, lovers gave one another keys to their hearts to wear. Sweet! I never really got the key thing as more than a metaphor before, until I learned how to activate my heart center with mantras, and then I kinda got the concept. Seed sounds that open the heart like "yahm" or "maha" coupled with mudras for the heart unblock the heart energy. Beneath every metaphor exists a spiritual text which corresponds to an energetic reality. In other words, if you pay very close attention, you may discover the sensation of your heart being unlocked by your partner, who in fact holds the key! It's quite a remarkable mind-blowing sensation actually. Perhaps, our hearts can even open in that conscious and visceral way to God, to angels, and to the truth.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Driven to Madness
On the bright side, my husband and I had a delightful time on our early Valentine's Day date last night. We dressed up and ate at the best Peruvian and Italian restraunt eva. Tumi Ceviche Bar and Ristorante rocks my world with it's herby, savory, and rich complexity. Their oyster ceviche is righteous and their lamb with shitaki risotto is the best thing I have ever eaten in my whole life. Their fried calamari and tiramasu made my heart dance. The whole experience was very solid, very groovy, and we had the groove juice special. We got a wonderful magical feeling from our meal and naturally proceeded to do what Cape Cod teenagers do on a date...
...make Mine Craft Valentines with their kid.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
G-Rated Libido Talk on Morning Radio in Massachusetts
Join me and my returning guest Anya Messina as we speak delicately on the subject of sex avoiding words like juicy, horny as hell, and engorged clitoris. If you wanna hear polite herbalist moms talk about herbal aphrodisiacs listen in here.
Anya Messina is the owner of Anya’s Herbals Pure Botanicals, mother of two, and former farm girl. Anya has studied with the godmother of herbalism Rosemary and has an advanced herbal degree from Michael Tierra’s East West Herb School of Planetary Herbology. Anya has also studied chemistry and microbiology.
When we record interviews I have a habit of picturing my church congregation. Cape Cod's population is largely of Mayflower descent, and the median age is in the upper 80s. Instead of a devil and angel, my conscience is a Greek chorus of white-haired old ladies staring at me beseechingly, plaintively, shaking their heads in disapproval. They mouth the words clearly, but in a quiet whisper: "don't be a nasty girl today". When I get these intrusive thoughts of the elderly caught like doe in the headlights of my lascivious inner comments, certain maternal, family-friendly feelings overtake me. “It's okay grannies...I'll be good," I offer. Perhaps I need some Dr. Ruths among them.
From what I have seen, the bar is set pretty low as far as mainstream media is concerned. Anything goes, right? We're post post ironic. Look at talk shows these days. Bikini Minaj and Baity Peri-fin are Coke models, er, role models for little girls these days. Ellen be all like, "Little girl shake that booty, right into the camera, no, that one. Shake it like you mean it. Like you be workin' it fo' money, girl. Damn straight. You a star. Yay, kids! Time fo' some Anaconda ice cream pops. One for every member of the studio audience!"
Meanwhile, in the real world, detention camps are treating refugees like fugitives. Weather is getting insane. Whole ecosystems and aquatic populations are going extinct and still, people carry on as if Fukushima never happened. Good time to scarf down a boatload of Tokyo sushi and get pregnant, much? All those really bad radioactive mutations take at least a couple generations, right? I've got a sushi platter from the epicenter of the worst diaster in human history. Time for a game of genetic roulette, y'all? I'll start with the spicy yellowtail...
hot is good right?
Corrections and clarifications regarding the contents of the show:
Firstly, joint pain is improved by anti-inflammatory herbs and improved circulation..so herbs that improve circulation and arterial health also help. That's the arthritis/artery connection.
Secondly, it's bladder pressure that is increased by the consumption of water. However, kidney health and kidney Qi are important for your life force energy. Therefor, drinking water improves your sexual health and desire. It's also really important if you are drinking alcohol.
Saturday, February 07, 2015
The Mrs. Nice Lady Chronicles: Employing Kickass Shaman Instinct Under Duress
This week was a typical week. I was attacked by a vampire, crossed a little ghost over to the other side, and gave my version of a Jimmy Stewart speech to try to save my son's principal's job. I was also saved by four heroic gentlemen.
In a nutshell, I empathically experienced all sorts of physical ailments to understand the root causes of some new clients. Helped channel information helpful in creating a ten year business plan. Visited by dead pets who missed their masters. Connected people with their departed loved ones. Did some investigating and ghostbusting of a residence haunted by some very tragic Victorian drama. Was charged by a ghost with some very cryptic messages about events in her past. Going in I didn't get a description of the girl or what she did, but as it turns out what my client saw and experienced in her dream was the very same thing I saw and experienced in the house. And then some. When ghosts start moving things, making noise and attempting to assault me, that is when I get back up. You can't be Mrs. Nice Girl all the time. I brought in my whole shamanic crew as I laid the new ground rules and established boundaries. At that point, I became a kickass shaman, stomping, shaking, chanting, singing and summoning power animals.
This week two DWP workers accidentally piled up a lengthy two foot high by three foot deep wall of frozen rock solid snow in our driveway. To one of them, my husband said: ‘My wife does angel work for a living and you will be cursed by God’. The driver said, Huh? We had spent the morning finishing up a clearing with Mother Mary and Archangel Michael. Standing on the pile of snow, holding a shovel with my one glove, I repeated those words, looking the DWP driver square in the eyes after an exhausting clearing, and on the verge of tears. Raven was on his way to work and parked in, so we were feeling a bit cheeky. Suddenly, our driveway was massively cleared with apologies. Next day, I flew out the door to save our principal with my speech and left all my keys inside the house. Thankfully, my friend brought two kind firemen to my aid. Just in time to deliver my speech to a board who seemed to be part of a conspiracy to dump our principal in favor of a relative of a board member. She said I raised some great points, before I grabbed her hand on my way out.
Thankfully, when I encounter active negative energy I gag, and sometimes almost vomit, whether I am clearing a person or a house. It's a good reflex, because it tells me there's more work to be done. So, I press on. Even if my timer's gone off. Employing shamanic chops, my helpers and I stripped the place of its antique glue and kicked out a dangerous ghost who did many bad deeds I do not care to name here. I came back later with my husband after some good rest. He found a couple of dense pockets remained, which confirmed my own perception, but he found it pretty damn clear as well. His questions and impressions about the history of certain areas were the same as mine, without me having shared those details. His presence on day two nlet me focus on being in a deep state of divine love, which is needed to help someone into the heavenly realms. With energy extractions or soul retrievals, there's a lot of story to be told, some mediation, bargaining, and reconciliation.
Even still, you've gotta scare the heck out of stuck spirits for them to take you seriously. They've gotta be more scared of you, than you are of them. They've gotta be more scared of you, than they are of The Unknown, and that is a tall order. That, my dear friends, is when shamanism comes in. You have got to inject the harmony and vibrations of the POWERFUL natural world into the chaos of the manmade cage of trauma, be it violence, drug addiction and compulsion, murder, rape, or sexual assault, which is at the foundation of a haunted house. Think LAVA, GALES, TSUNAMIS...Think Jaguars, Pumas, Vultures, Sharks...One must embody these energies to bring about deep change, mi amigos.
The way movies depict crossing over stuck and lost spirits is so lazy. Do people really think someone who has been trapped in a moment in time, traumatized, angry, frustrated, profoundly sad, and living off living people like a vampire is gonna respond to a brief prep talk and an invitation into the light, with the mellow cooing of an armchair medium? Not in my experience. First, there are layers of emotions, conversations and events that occurred which create the emotional glue the past clings to. The house needs a whole psychic makeover, purging, rattling, shaking down to its bare bones.
A stuck person can run the whole gamut of emotions. Unpredictability is their MO, their whole forte. If they are easy to spot they are more vulnerable, but if they can hide in the wallpaper of emotions, knit themselves into the quilt that is the collective psychic of the inhabitatnts, they can go unseen and unnoticed. People can be effected by energies in a house. People can also be possessed by their own internal demons which feed off of an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Unresolved thoughts, feelings and patterns from the past, can gravitate to people who are half checked out already. A Victorian house may contain eight generations of abuse and tragedy. Conversely, a house may contain the strength of love and light through eight generations.
People didn't know about bacteria back then. Hundreds of years of people fearing witchcraft left most effective medicinal knowledge to ancient herstory. Women who effectively treated and cured people were considered evil, in cahoots with Satan. You were suspected of practicing magic if you were female using herbs to heal people. During these dark ages of the repression natural medicine only a handful of culinary and household tonifying herbs were considered acceptable. But these common mild panacea herbs have limited efficacy.
During the Victorian age, women and babies died during and after childbirth from infection. People's religious fanaticism, belief in authoritarian and corporeal punishment and their lack of psychological and scientific understanding led to some rough dynamics. Pair that with the tragedy of losing family at sea, a constant battle with native inhabitants, repression of dancing, music and sexuality, with the fear of god's omnipotent ever watchful eye and its condemnation and judgment. You can imagine people crammed into little cold Victorian houses could be yahoos sometimes.
With the rise of the industrial age and factory farming, some people in both rural places and cities lost a lot of money. There were significant frosts, famine, lost supply ships, piracy, and generally people had many mouths to feed, which was a lot of pressure. Often times, like a human will attract similar relationship patterns again and again, so do houses. Like people, most houses evolve over time. People learn from their mistakes, generations evolve as technology evolves and as the God concept grows so does compassion, empathy, moral responsibility, community, and a sense of purpose.
After I helped Mary and Michael to cross over the little girl, I was visited by a whole bunch of ghosts who need help crossing over. I handed them a clipboard, drew in several columns, and told them if they could write their name down on a piece of paper, I would help. Go away and come back with a living person and we'll take it from there. These people take Doctors Without Boarders to the next level! Talk about no boundaries, these people don't even have bodies.
How do I know they are ghosts and not angels? How do I know they need crossing over? You may wonder, among other things... Well, when spirits are listless and stuck between worlds, I usually see them with shrunken skulls. It's just my brain's code for "tortured soul who wants to leave the earth but doesn't know how". Like psychic shorthand. First thought, maybe I can devote all my Sundays to crossing over lost souls? Second thought, I crossed over one girl and twenty more lost souls came my way. (Which happened the last time too.) What would happen if I crossed over these twenty? That thought is daunting, especially if your living room has ever turned into a waiting room of musty ghosts suffering various maladies at midnight.
Monday, February 02, 2015
The Wit of the Staircase
Master Hero is a huge fan of the Baroque sound himself, and enjoyed improvising into the night. I think he needs an outfit. Channeling messages from the angels on a snow day is the best. Happy Immolc!!! Light a candle in each window for St. Brigid, patron Saint/Goddess of artisans, smithcraft, pregnancy and the hearth. Love lighting fires in the fireplace, but ever notice how quickly real wood burns?
Sunday, February 01, 2015
Our Gothic Rock Opera
"I have this disease late at night sometimes, involving alcohol and the telephone. I get drunk, and I drive my wife away with breath like mustard gas and roses. And then, speaking gravely and elegantly into the telephone, I ask the telephone operators to connect me with this friend or that one, from whom I have not heard in years." — Slaughterhouse 5, Kurt Vonnegut
We are newly inspired. We know talented musicians, seamstresses, costume designers, and makeup artists, and there are a lot of cool theaters here. This simply must be realized. In three years I moved to a new city I'd never visited, not knowing a soul, and accomplished several things I've wanted to d=for decades. I started taking photographs, co-created a festival, organized two gallery shows with performances, became a talk show DJ, was found by a literary agent who made me a contributing writer in a Llewellyn book on Spiritual Pregnancy, started learning piano and even learned some editing skills when I edited my little cable access show. After I finish this latest version of my book proposal, there's no reason why I shouldn't add a musical to my Cape Cod adventures. My first love was Shakespeare.
“Never trust a ghost who drunk dials.” That'd be a good tag line, huh?
"Thank God for this century. My out-of-body penmanship is nearly inscrutable," says the cramped Drunk Ghost typing on a broken typewriter before he tosses it to the side and presses his forehead up to the brick wall, concentrating. He shoves his face in through the bricks. From the other side of the wall, we see a screaming skull fixture over the firplace and a rotary phone RINGS inside the apartment. Flashback to: Drunk Ghost attempting to mount a confused horse in the stealth of the night. A bewildered horse trots down an empty country lane as Drunk Ghost slides off him repeatedly. A subsequent attempt to dictate a love letter through a cross and reluctant medium seated at a wooden desk, candle burning. Resistant to the words emerging from her quill, she unwittingly scrawls: "I'm madly in love with your body. Can I borrow it sometime? Like, now.” "Aaa!" Indignantly, she crumples up the paper into her fist and dashes it into the fireplace, watching it explode in flames.

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